Open Enrollment
Plan Year 2025 State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) Open Enrollment
October 1, 2024, through October 31, 2024
The State Health Benefits Program (SHBP) Open Enrollment period for Kean University employees begins on October 1, 2024, and ends on October 31, 2024.
Open Enrollment is the opportunity for employees to make changes (adding or deleting dependents, changing coverage levels, etc.) or enroll in a different medical or dental plan. All changes to coverage made during this Open Enrollment period will be effective on January 1, 2025.
IF YOU TAKE NO ACTION - your current benefit elections will carry over to the new plan year, with the exception of members currently enrolled in the Cigna DPO, Metlife DPO and Horizon DPO as those plans will no longer be available in 2025. Review your benefits options before you decide.
View all of your current benefit elections in Workday by clicking on the Benefits worklet, and then clicking under View - Benefit Elections.
You can also access a Benefits Summary (displaying only your medical, prescription drug and dental enrollment) by logging into the mynjbenefitshub.
All health benefit elections must be submitted online through mynjbenefitshub which can be accessed via the myNewJersey account portal or via mynjbenefitshub.nj.gov.
Mynjbenefitshub / benefitsolver Login
The Company Key is SHBP/SEHBP (all capital letters)
Employee Guide to Logging into Benefitsolver
More information on how to enroll or change your benefits
Please note that health benefit rates may be viewed in the portal.
Employees will have until October 31, 2024, to submit their elections and upload new dependent documentation through mynjbenefitshub.
On October 16th, 2024, the Office of Human Resources will hold a Benefits Fair on campus from 12pm to 2pm in the Miron Student Center. Please join us at the event to learn more about Open Enrollment; you can visit vendor booths to learn about plan options, enter for a chance to win prizes, find tools to help you manage your benefits, and additional free benefits offered by our SHBP partners.
This year we are also featuring:
- Financial Well-Being Presentation: Investing in your Retirement
- Hosted by Frank Booth, financial consultant with VOYA Financial
- 1 PM - 1:30 PM
- MSC Little Theatre
- RSVP Here!
- Atlantic Health Sun Damage Screening
- 12 PM - 3 PM
- MSC 226
- No appointment necessary! These appointments take 5-7 minutes.
Aetna and Horizon will host a series of live webinars for members during Open Enrollment. Members may register for a webinar by accessing the webinar calendar link.
The Virtual Benefits Fair is now open, and will be available throughout the Open Enrollment period by logging in to mynjbenefitshub.
Dental plans offered in 2025 will be changing to HORIZON DEP, AETNA DEP, and AETNA DMO.
HORIZON DEP is a new dental plan.
AETNA DEP and AETNA DMO are existing plans that will continue to be offered in 2025. If you are enrolled in either of these plans in 2024, and you are happy with your coverage, you do not need to take any further steps.
Members currently enrolled in the CIGNA DHMO plan, Horizon Dental Choice plan or the MetLife DPO plan will be automatically defaulted to the Aetna DMO plan in Benefitsolver. If these members log in to Benefitsolver during the Open Enrollment period, they will see that the Aetna DMO plan has already been selected for them. This dental plan change will have a future effective date of January 1, 2025.
Members may change their dental plan during the annual Open Enrollment period. The “12 month rule” will be suppressed, allowing members to select a new dental plan even if they have not been enrolled in their plan for at least 12 months. Any member who wishes to remain enrolled in a Horizon dental plan may actively select the new Horizon DEP plan.
Please be advised that Dental Plans are based on two different plan designs — Dental Plan Organizations (DPO) and a Dental Expense Plan (DEP).
• One DPO is available: Aetna DMO
DPOs contract with a network of providers for dental services. When an employee or dependent uses a DPO dentist, diagnostic and preventive services are covered in full. Most other eligible expenses require a small copayment. Members must use a provider that participates with the selected DPO to receive coverage. Be sure to confirm that the dentist or dental facility is taking new patients and participates with the SHBP Employee Dental Plans, since DPOs also service other organizations.
• Two Dental Expense Plans (DEP) are available: Aetna DEP and Horizon DEP.
The DEP is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan that allows members to obtain services from any dentist; however, using an in-network provider will reduce an employee’s costs. After satisfying an annual deductible (no deductible for preventive services), members are reimbursed a percentage of the reasonable and customary charges for eligible services.
Dental Provider Search
Find a dentist near you:
Aetna DEP/DMO – Find a provider link
Horizon DEP – Find a provider link
Resources guides for the dental plans can be found below:
The medical plans offered will remain the same in 2025. Both Aetna and Horizon medical plans are available for Plan Year 2025, and are listed below. As a reminder, new medical plans were already added in 2024. If you would like to maintain the coverage you currently have in the medical/prescription drug plans, no action is required.
List of available Medical Plans & What each is
Medical Plans for: Union Negotiated Members - AFT, IFPTE, NJSOLEA, NJLESA, PBA, and MANAGERS
Medical Plans for: Members of CWA
Important Notes:
*If you are selecting this plan, members hired prior to July 1, 2019, will be enrolled in Aetna Freedom, and members hired after July 1, 2019, will be enrolled in Aetna Freedom 2019.
**For CWA members only. If you are selecting this plan, members hired prior to July 1, 2019, will be enrolled in Aetna CWA Unity Freedom, and members hired after July 1, 2019, will be enrolled in Aetna CWA Unity Freedom 2019.
Plan Comparison - Choosing the best plan for you
Details regarding plan design, summaries, and rates for the new plans will be available on the NJDPB web pages. Side-by-side plan comparisons may be found at the links below:
The Incentive Program for Aetna Liberty Plus and Horizon OMNIA is available. The program offers a financial incentive of $1,000 to first-time enrollees who remain enrolled for one year for all coverage levels (i.e., Single, Member and Spouse, Parent and Child, or Family coverage). The incentive is paid by gift card no later than the end of the current tax year and is deemed reportable income for tax purposes.
The incentive shall be forfeited and returned to the SHBP if the subscriber/employee fails to remain enrolled in the Tiered-Network Plan for at least one plan year. This program does not extend to children over the age of 26 or COBRA members.
For more information regarding this incentive, members may visit Incentive - Tiered Network.
You will not able to select different levels of Medical and Prescription Plan Coverage. For example, a member may not elect to have Single Medical coverage and Member/Spouse Prescription coverage. The level of coverage must be the same for both plans.
Members also must elect to enroll in both Medical and Prescription. If a member wishes to waive coverage, both Medical and Prescription coverage must be waived. See the “Waiving SHBP Coverage” section for more information.
Members can access each carrier’s provider directory and website through mynjbenefitshub or they can log in to the carrier’s website directly. The Aetna and Horizon provider directories enable members to search for quality in-network health care providers, facilities, and cost-sharing information. Links to carrier websites which include these comprehensive search tools can also be found on the NJDPB website.
How do I check if my doctor is in network with Horizon?
Click on the Horizon Doctor & Hospital Finder. Then, enter the appropriate zip code and plan prefix code. See below for details.
- The card prefix is NJX for all of the PPO plans [All NJ DIRECT plans; CWA Unity DIRECT plans], including the NJ DIRECT High Deductible Health plans].
- The card prefix is SNJ for all of the Horizon HMO plans.
- The card prefix is NJO for OMNIA.
How do I check if my doctor is in network with Aetna?
Aetna Medical Plans – Find a provider link
Aetna DEP/DMO – Find a provider link
The SHBP offers employees and their covered dependents the opportunity to join a Direct Primary Care doctor's office. This is available as part of the Aetna and Horizon plans and does not require any changes to members’ health plan elections. Members may join Everside Health, or if they are a first responder, they may join Integrity Health. Everside Health and Marathon Health have recently merged and Everside Health will soon be operating as Marathon Health.
More information regarding Direct Primary Care Medical Homes can be found on Direct Primary Care.
NJWELL provides inclusive and holistic experiences to meet members’ needs through activities and education programming to support healthy lifestyles. NJWELL is open to employees who are enrolled in the SHBP. Spouses and eligible partners also can participate, as long as they are covered by the SHBP plan. Participants have access to specialized programming and benefits, including live wellness events, fitness challenges, and online wellness platforms tailored to their unique needs. Participants can also earn up to a possible $350 in rewards based on points earned from participation in NJWELL. The current NJWELL 2024 Plan Year will be coming to a close on October 31, 2024. Watch your email for upcoming information about NJWELL in 2025. For information about the program, visit the NJWELL website.
State employees are permitted to waive SHBP medical and prescription coverage and avoid the required employee contribution. State employees can elect to waive coverage at any time via mynjbenefitshub or during Open Enrollment.
Note: Yearly waivers are not required. Employees who have already waived coverage do not need to elect to waive each Open Enrollment period.
Employees participating in one of the High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) are able to use tax-deferred contributions from their paychecks to fund their Health Savings Account (HSA). If you elect to enroll in one of the High Deductible plans, a separate HSA contribution form is required to be completed by you and returned to the Office of Human Resources to enroll in an HSA.
Prefer to Do Everything From Your Phone?
Visit mynjbenefitshub to download the MyChoice benefits app to manage and access all your benefits information on the go. Get instant answers by chatting with SOPHIA, your virtual benefits assistant, on the mynjbenefitshub and on the MyChoice benefits app. SOPHIA can answer many of your benefits questions 24/7 in over 50 languages.
Learn more about the MyChoice Benefits App
The HR benefits team is here to support you during Open Enrollment. If you have questions regarding the Open Enrollment or your benefits, please free to contact us
- Via email benefits@kean.edu
- Via phone - Paige O’Brien (908-737-3302) or benefits team contacts
- In Person
- Walk Ins welcome for general questions.
- Appointments recommended for in-depth topic reviews.