Change of Address
Change of Address
For Payroll Purposes
Active Kean University employees (i.e., full-time employees, adjuncts, student employees) are able to change their addresses for payroll purposes in Workday. To access Workday, please click here. To change your address in the system, please follow the directions outlined in our Self-Service guide. Note that some changes may require review and approval by Human Resources. If you have any difficulty in this area, for additional assistance, please email workday@kean.edu.
For Participants of the State Health Benefits Program
In addition to following the steps in the Workday system as referenced above, address changes must also be made with the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits via Benefitsolver for health benefits purposes.
To update your address for health benefits purposes, please register or log in to Benefitsolver, the State's new online benefits system.
- Existing users can simply login to Benefitsolver. New users must first register. Click here for Benefitsolver registration instructions.
- Within Benefitsolver, click Change My Benefits tab, then Change My Benefits icon, then Basic Info. "Address and Phone Number Information Change" will appear. Click it and follow the prompts.
If you experience any difficulty with these instructions, or for further explanation, please email benefits@kean.edu.
For ABP Retirement Plan Members
Members of the Alternate Benefit Program retirement plan [Corebridge (formerly VALIC/AIG), Empower Retirement (formerly Mass Mutual/Prudential), Equitable, MetLife/Brighthouse, TIAA, Voya Financial] should be reminded that they will also need to change their address with their individual investment services provider.
Contacts for ABP Service Providers
ABP/DCRP/SACT Change of Address Form (this must be mailed to the State of NJ)
Former Employees
Former Employees should send an e-mail to HR@kean.edu for direction on changing their address.
Change of Name
For Payroll Purposes
If you are current Kean University employee (i.e., full-time employee, adjunct, student employee) and you would like to change your name for payroll purposes, you may email workday@kean.edu to request a Legal Name Change. In order to process a Legal Name Change, the request must be accompanied by supporting legal documents, including for example an updated Social Security Card, marriage/divorce degree or other court order. Once the Office of Human Resources has received adequate support to process the change of name, Workday will be updated to reflect the employee's new name.
For Retirement Plan Members
If you would like to change your name with the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits for retirement plan purposes, you will be required to initiate this process by completing an Affidavit of Name Change. (ABP participants will need to fill out the form as well, using check box "Other" for retirement system). Please note that this form requires a notary signature. A notary is available in the Office of Human Resources. However, you are encouraged to contact benefits@kean.edu to coordinate an appointment.
You should also be reminded that members of the Alternate Benefit Program retirement plan [Corebridge (formerly VALIC/AIG), Empower Retirement (formerly Mass Mutual/Prudential), Equitable, MetLife/Brighthouse, TIAA, Voya Financial] will also need to change their name with their individual investment services provider
Contacts for ABP Service Providers
For Participants of the State Health Benefits Program
HR will update your name change with the New Jersey Division of Pensions and Benefits for health benefits purposes. To check on the status, please contact benefits@kean.edu.