Withdrawal From Classes
Return of Title IV Funds Policy
Federal Regulations require a recalculation of financial aid during a payment period or term in which a student withdraws from all courses, is dismissed or takes a leave of absence. (For instructions on withdrawing from courses at Kean University, click here.) Earned aid is based on the percentage of the term that the student attends and is calculated as follows:
Total Aid x Completed Days in the Period / Total Days in the Period
- Scheduled breaks of five days or more, e.g., Spring Recess, are excluded in the completed and total days.
- Students who complete more than 60 percent of the term have earned 100 percent of their aid, and no adjustments are necessary.
- The above formula is applicable to federal student aid only. State aid may be adjusted according to the state wihdrawal policy and is canceled if a student withdraws before the disbursement.
If Total Disbursed Aid is greater than Earned Aid, then the difference must be returned to the Federal Student Aid program(s). If Disbursed Aid is less than Earned Aid, then the student (or parent borrower for PLUS Loans) may be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement (PWD). Grants are automatically disbursed, but loans must be accepted by the student or parent borrower within 14 days that the PWD is offered.
The Office of Financial Aid will notify students of their adjusted aid eligibility within 30 days of their withdrawal or leave of absence, and unearned aid will be returned within 45 days. Students who received a federal loan in the current or prior term must complete an exit counseling session after ceasing enrollment, even if they plan to return to Kean in a future term. TEACH Grant recipients must complete a separate exit interview.
Unofficial Withdrawals — Students who do not earn at least one passing grade at the end of a term are subject to a Return of Title IV Funds calculation, resulting in a decrease of up to 60 percent of their federal and state student aid. The last day of attendance will be used (or midpoint if LDA not available) in the Earned Aid calculation. The Office of Financial Aid will notify affected students of their adjusted aid eligibility within 30 days of the end of each term.
Last Class Census Date - Please note that if a student drops a class or classes, the dropped class or classes may not be eligible for a federal Direct Loan. As a result, a tuition balance may be owed after dropping the class or classes. Contact the Office of Financial Aid with any questions in reference to this issue.
Tuition Balances and Refund Policy
Tuition and fees for students who withdraw during the first three weeks of the term are adjusted as follows:
Withdrawal Date |
% Refund |
Withdrawal First Week of Classes |
100% refund |
Second Week of Classes |
75% refund |
Third Week of Classes |
50% refund |
Fourth Week and Thereafter |
0% refund |
Above applies only to fall and spring terms.
Note that Kean’s tuition refund policy is not based on the percentage of the term completed, as is federal student aid. In most cases, aid adjustments due to withdrawal will create a balance due to the University. Contact the Office of Student Accounting for payment options.
For the full financial aid site, please click here.