Summer 2025 Financial Aid
Financial aid is available to eligible Kean University students during Summer Sessions.

To be considered for Summer aid, you must:
- Be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible degree program. Minimum credit requirements apply for certain aid programs; see next section.
- File the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the current award year. (For Summer 2025, file the 2024-2025 FAFSA.) File as early as possible, but no later than June 30.
- Be making Satisfactory Academic Progress at the beginning of the Summer Session I (continuing students only).
No application is required, except for PLUS and Private Loans as described below. The Office of Financial Aid will notify you of your eligibility (or ineligibility) within 2-3 weeks after you have registered for Summer classes.
Types of Aid Available

Summer financial aid is usually limited to:
- Federal Pell Grant – Undergraduate students pursuing their first Associate or Bachelor’s Degree. Amounts vary, based on an individual student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and enrollment status.
Note: Students who attended college full-time during the Fall & Spring semesters and received 100% of their Pell Grant award (including Payments received at other institutions), must be enrolled at least half-time (6 or more credits) for Summer Pell.
- NJ Tuition Aid Grant (In-state residents) – Undergraduate students enrolled at least halftime, pursuing their first Bachelor’s Degree, and received TAG in the previous Fall or Spring semester at Kean University. Amounts vary, based on an individual student’s New Jersey Eligibility Index (NJEI).
- Federal Direct Loans - Students must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits Undergraduate, 4.5 credits Graduate).
- Stafford (subsidized/unsubsidized) – student
- Parent PLUS – parent of dependent student; click here to apply
- Graduate PLUS – graduate/professional student; click here to apply
Private Education Loans – Creditworthy students and/or co-signers who do not qualify for Federal Student Aid or cannot make payment arrangements for their educational expenses, can apply for a private loan. Click here to begin the process.
Factors That Can Affect Eligibility
- Dropping or Withdrawing from Courses After Summer Session Has Begun - Change in enrollment can impact your aid eligibility. Contact the Office of Financial Aid before dropping individual courses or withdrawing from the Summer session(s).
Example – Student initially registers for 3 credits Session I and 3 credits Session II; eligible for Direct Loan(s) based on halftime enrollment. Student later drops the Session II course before classes begin. Loans will be canceled, and student will be responsible for any term bill balance.
- Annual Direct Stafford Loan Limits – Amounts received from previous Fall and/or Spring semesters may reduce your remaining eligibility for Summer. Annual limits are based on grade level and dependency status.
- Aggregate Aid Limits
- Pell Grants – Students are limited to 600%, or six years equivalent – including awards received at other institutions.
- Direct Stafford Loans (subsidized/unsubsidized) – Click here for undergraduate and graduate aggregate limits.
- Not making Satisfactory Academic Progress – After Spring 2025. grades are posted, the Office of Financial Aid will calculate SAP for all students enrolled at Kean during the Fall and/or Spring. Summer awards offered in April or May will be canceled for students who do not meet the University’s SAP requirements at the end of the Spring semester.

Also note the following:
- Transfer Students – Federal Pell Grants and Stafford Loans received at your previous institution(s) are factored into the above annual and aggregate limits.
- First-time Stafford Loan borrowers must complete an Entrance Counseling session and a Direct Loan Master Promissory Note, both by logging in at
- PLUS and Private Loans are approved based on creditworthiness. An endorser or co-signer may be required for borrowers who do not meet the lender’s credit requirements.
- Incomplete Documents, e.g., Verification or Master Promissory Note, can delay the awarding or disbursement of Summer Aid. Log in to Financial Aid Self Service from KeanWISE, to check your status for the current award year.
University Billing
Tuition & fees and, if applicable, residence hall housing & meals will be charged to your Summer bill beginning in May. The University bill must be paid by the due date, regardless of delays, reductions, or cancellation of financial aid.
Questions regarding the University bill or the impact of not paying the bill should be directed to the Office of Student Accounting.