Frequently Asked Questions for Aid
What Is the Correct website for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
What are some of the 2024-25 FAFSA changes?
It is a shorter form with fewer questions to answer. The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) has been replaced by the Student Aid Index (SAI) for financial aid eligibility determination. Consent for federal tax information (FTI) is required for transfer onto the FAFSA.
What Is an FSA ID? Where Do I Register for One?
All students (and parents of dependent students) must create an FSA ID to file the FAFSA. The FSA ID is comprised of a username and password and is used to log in to certain Federal Student Aid websites. Create the FSA ID and file the FAFSA at . The FSA ID is also used as an electronic signature.
How Do My Parents Get an FSA ID If They Do Not Have a Social Security Number?
Beginning in 2024-25, parent contributors who do not have a SSN can create an FSA ID by visiting and following the prompts to register.
What is Kean University's FAFSA Federal School Code?
How Long Will It Take Before Kean University's Office of Financial Aid Receives a Report of My Submitted FAFSA?
If you have completed the FAFSA (with Kean University listed as a recipient), we will generally receive notification within two to three weeks. Only students offered admission to Kean will receive an award notification (see next question) and/or request for additional information.
Applicants will receive a FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) from the U.S. Department of Education. Check the status of your FAFSA form by logging into your account and finding your status in the My Activity section of the dashboard.
After I Submit My FAFSA, What Types of Feedback Will I Receive?
You will receive:
Your Federal Submission Summary (FSS) from the federal government: the FSS will provide a summary of your FAFSA and list any problems with the application. The FSS will inform the student if additional information must be provided to the school. It will also notify you of your estimated eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant and Direct Stafford Loans. Check the status of your FAFSA form by logging into your account and finding your status in the My Activity section of the dashboard.
Notification from the State of New Jersey regarding your estimated eligibility for the NJ Tuition Aid Grant (TAG) and/or if any additional information must be provided to the state.
Kean University Estimated Aid Offer: notification via your Kean email and KeanWise accounts if you listed Kean University in the School section of the FAFSA and you have been admitted to Kean. We may also request additional information if your FAFSA was incomplete or your eligibility could not be verified.
How can I Make a Correction?
The FAFSA correction feature allows you to return to your 2024-25 FAFSA at for any corrections you need to make.
What If I Have Problems Submitting the FAFSA?
Contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center ( via phone, email or live chat, during their hours of operation.
Why Can't My Parent Call and Get Answers About My Financial Aid?
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) regulations limit the information that can be released to someone other than the student. Students can use their KeanWise account to grant a parent or other third party access to their educational records by following the instructions under the section marked “Student Educational Records Release” on KeanWise.
I Need More Money to Pay For School. Where Can I Obtain Scholarship Information?
The Office of Scholarship Services can assist students with information pertaining to Kean University scholarships. For additional loans, parents of dependent students can apply for a Parent PLUS Loan, and all students can apply for Private Loans.
Should I Fill Out a FAFSA If I Am Not Sure That I Will Need Financial Aid?
Circumstances can change and it is helpful to submit a FAFSA. You may find that you are eligible for grants or loans with little to no interest. By filing the FAFSA, your information will be processed and available for you in case you decide you may want or need aid.
I Pay My Own Bills, and I Think I Am Independent. Do I Need to Provide My Parents' Information on My FAFSA?
Your FAFSA will determine if you can be considered an independent student. Many undergraduate students are considered dependents of their parents for financial aid purposes and the parent information must be supplied. If there are unusual circumstances, you may apply for a Dependency Override.
The Appeal for Dependency Override is available under Forms. This form is award-year specific (e.g., 2024-2025), so select the appeal for the year you wish to be evaluated.
I Have Unusual Circumstances That May Affect My Ability to Pay for School (Unemployment, Disability, etc). What Can I Do?
To find out if you are eligible for Special Circumstances, please email or call 908-737-0400 to speak with a financial aid professional.
Why Are You Asking Me for Copies of My IRS Tax Return Transcripts and W-2s?
If a student is selected for a process called verification, the school is required by the federal government to collect certain documents from the student and (for dependent students) their parents. Students who fail to submit the requested information may be ineligible to receive financial aid for that academic year.
What Is an IRS Tax Return Transcript and How Can I Get It?
The U.S. Department of Education has instructed schools to obtain IRS Tax Return Transcripts for students who are selected for verification. Students can visit the IRS website and request an IRS tax return transcript via a downloadable PDF file or through the mail. The IRS will mail the transcript to your home (usually within 5 – 10 days). There is no charge for an IRS tax return transcript.
I Submitted the Required Document(s); When Should I Expect My Financial Aid to Be Posted?
The verification process typically takes about two to three weeks (processing may take longer during peak time). Once it is completed, your aid package will be finalized (unless changes to your enrollment status or Satisfactory Academic Progress status occur). If any corrections were made to your FAFSA during verification, you will receive a revised award letter and an updated FSS.
How Do I View My Eligibility For a NJ Tuition Aid Grant (TAG)?
Log in to and click the "To Do List" to apply for TAG and other state programs.
What Is SAP? What Are the Requirements?
All students receiving financial aid are required to meet minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. For a full explanation of this policy, please see click to see the Satisfactory Academic Policy section of our website.
What Is Federal Work Study? How Can I Apply?
Federal Work Study (FWS) is financial aid assistance available to students with “financial need” (as determined by the FAFSA) that is received as a bi-weekly paycheck based on hours worked at an assigned on or off campus department. FWS does not go directly toward the cost of tuition, fees, or housing. The number of job assignments is limited. Students interested in working should contact the Office of Human Resources.
What Jobs Are Available for FWS Students?
On and off campus positions are listed in the Office of Human Resources.
I Need to Speak to a Financial Aid Counselor. How Do I Do That?
You can schedule an appointment with a financial aid counselor by logging onto the Office of Financial Aid webpage and clicking on Schedule an Appointment with a Financial Aid Counselor. You can also walk into the office on the first floor of the Administration Building, where someone will be available to assist you. Office of Financial Aid hours are 9am–5pm, Monday through Friday. Please note that these hours may change during holidays, semester breaks, and the summer sessions.
You can also email at or call (908) 737-0400.
Do I Need to Complete a FAFSA Every Year for Financial Aid?
Yes. Each academic year is separate, and the FAFSA is needed in order to receive aid.
What Is the Master Promissory Note (MPN)? What Is Entrance Counseling?
The MPN and Entrance Counseling are online forms that first-time Federal Direct Stafford Loan borrowers must complete before receiving any loan disbursement. You can complete both at
I Don't Want the Loans Offered to Me. What Do I Do?
You can decline your loans on your KeanWise account under the section marked “Accept/Reject Loans.” You can also accept, decline, or reduce your loans by submitting a signed Loan Adjustment Form, available on our webpage under Important Forms, to the Office of Financial Aid.
How Can I Apply for the PLUS Loan?
A parent of an undergraduate dependent student can apply for a Parent PLUS Loan at Parents are required to complete a Master Promissory Note in order to complete the PLUS Loan application process. Graduate students can apply for a Graduate PLUS at the same website. We begin accepting PLUS Loan applications for upcoming years on June 1.
Are Student Loans, Parent Loans, and Private Loans Considered Financial Aid?
Yes. Although loans are funds that must be repaid, they are considered a type of financial aid.
Are My KeanWise Password and FSA ID Number the Same?
No. The FSA ID is used only for Federal Student Aid websites and your KeanWise password is administered by Kean University.
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