Cougar Link requires a secure authentication process to log in using your Kean University KeanGOOGLE username and password. If you experience problems logging into Cougar Link, please confirm the following before contacting us for assistance:
Confirm that you are only entering your username. For example, if your KeanGOOGLE email address was "," confirm that you are only entering in "cougar" and leaving out the ""
Confirm that your username and password are correct. Please go to the KeanGOOGLE login page by clicking here and attempt to log in. If your login to KeanGOOGLE was successful, please use the same username and password for Cougar Link. If you are unable to log in to your KeanGOOGLE account, you must contact the Office of Information Technology (IT), located in Technology Building, by calling (908) 737-6000 to be given your username and/or have your password reset. Please be sure to have your Kean University ID number accessible prior to calling IT.
If you have completed the troubleshooting steps above and are still unable to log in to your Cougar Link account, please contact the the Office of Information Technology (IT), located in Technology Building, by calling (908) 737-6000, for assistance.