Air Force ROTC
Through intense leadership training and Aerospace Studies coursework, cadets earn the opportunity to join the world's finest Air Force or Space Force. The Air Force ROTC program at Kean University is hosted by the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, New Jersey.

Why Air Force & Space Force ROTC at NJIT?
Welcome to Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Detachment 490 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The mission of AFROTC is to develop quality leaders for the Air Force & Space Force. Through intense leadership training and Aerospace Studies coursework, cadets earn the opportunity to join the world's finest Air Force or Space Force. Cadets from Detachment 490 have gone to serve in a range of career fields, from designing the leading edge computer and space systems to flying the world's newest jet aircraft.
Detachment 490 offers cadets a focused training environment that instills the values of integrity, service before self, and excellence. These values help to develop the type of well rounded officers the Air Force & Space Force are seeking. In addition, cadets often participate in numerous activities and organizations that reach out to the local community while strengthening the skills necessary to benefit their careers in the military.
We offer scholarships for a range of academic programs, open to both high school and college students who excel in academics and display leadership potential. We welcome you to AFROTC Detachment 490 and look forward to assisting you on your flight into the U.S. Air Force.
Program Requirements
- Each cadet is required to have and maintain a minimum 2.0 Term and 2.0 Cumulative GPA or higher
- Air Force ROTC has 3 mandatory events each week. Cadets must make sure to register degree courses around AFROTC events. They are:
- Physical Training (PT) – attend two of the four 1-hour PT sessions offered each week.
- Aerospace Studies (AS) Classes – These classes meet once each week. The 100 and 200 level classes are 1 credit hour, and the 300 and 400 level classes are 3 credit hours.
- Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) – A 2-hour course each week covering military drill, customs and courtesies, Air Force knowledge, and other pertinent military topics that will introduce new cadets to daily Air Force operations, structure, and lifestyle.
- Each cadet is required to attend at least 80% of PT, AS classes, and LLAB sessions in order to receive a passing grade each term
- Each cadet is required to earn a C- or better in all AS classes
- Cadets must be considered 'full time' undergraduates at their institution (usually 12 or more credit hours per term)
- The last semester can be part time, and the last year can be graduate work
- The last semester can be part time, and the last year can be graduate work
- Each cadet is required to take the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). The PFA consists of height/weight/waist measurements, 1 minute of pushups, 1 minute of sit-ups, and a 1.5 mile run. There are minimums in each category of the test as well as an overall minimum of 75/100 to achieve a passing score. Each cadet must pass this examination, in general, by their first sophomore term.
- Each cadet must take and pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT). The AFOQT is an assessment similar to the SAT with additional sections that evaluate a student’s understanding of aviation. There are two sections of the AFOQT that the Air Force has placed a minimum required score to commission: Quantitative-10 and Verbal-15. The three other scores are calculated in the following areas: Pilot, Navigator, and Academic Aptitude. In the event a recruit does not meet the minimum scores on their first attempt, they are allowed to take the AFOQT up to two more times (conditions apply).
- Cadets with dual citizenship must be willing to renounce any citizenship that is not American.
If during the sophomore year, all is going well, eligible and deserving cadets will be nominated for continuation in the program. At that time their records will be competed against cadets from across the nation for an Enlistment Allocation (EA). Those that receive an EA will continue on to attend Field Training (FT). FT is an summer training event held at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama and is similar to Basic Military Training (i.e., boot camp). Here cadets are tested and evaluated in multiple areas including leadership and management in a training environment. Cadets must successfully complete FT in order to continue into the final two years of ROTC.
ROTC is a four year program that consist of 16 academic credits centered around leadership, management, history, current events, and Air and Space Force operations.
Active Duty Department of the AF (DAF) Airmen/Guardians teach all of the Aerospace Studies (AS) courses. This fact gives cadets direct access to highly trained military professionals with years of experience in diverse career fields. In addition to the standard AS courses, communication studies are included in almost every aspect of ROTC training. Communication studies ensures ROTC graduates develop effective thinking, writing, and speaking skills. All ROTC courses supplement the student cadet's chosen bachelor degree program.
1st year - Aerospace Studies 100
Fall - DAF Heritage and Values I (AS 111)
Spring - DAF Heritage and Values II (AS 112)
1 credit
AS 100, "DAF Heritage and Values," is a survey course designed to introduce students to the U.S. Department of the Air Force and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization of the Air and Space Force.
Professors go to a great length to keep the classroom setting from turning into a lecture in AS100. First year students participate in group discussions, watch video clips, play games, and engage in group projects. This class format not only enhances the understanding of the material and keeps the classroom energetic, but also helps to build relationships among the students, enhancing their overall ROTC experience.
2nd Year * - Aerospace Studies 200
Fall - Team and Leadership Fundamentals I (AS 221)
Spring - Team and Leadership Fundamentals II (AS 222)
1 credit
AS 200, "Team and Leadership Fundamentals," focuses on laying the foundation for teams and leadership. The topics include skills that will allow cadets to improve and explore their leadership style on a personal level and within a team. The AS200 course will prepare cadets for their field training (FT) experience where they can apply the lessons learned. The purpose of AS200 is to instill a leadership mindset and to motivate sophomore students to transition from ROTC cadet to ROTC officer candidate.
* Note: This course may be taken at the same time as an AS 100 course.
3rd Year - Aerospace Studies 300
Fall - Leading People and Effective Communication I (AS 333)
Spring - Leading People and Effective Communication II (AS 334)
3 credits
AS 300, "Leading People and Effective Communication," utilizes student's summer FT experience to take a more in-depth look at leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing communication skills, and why that is important as a leader. Students have an opportunity to apply these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors.
4th Year - Aerospace Studies 400
Fall - National Security Affairs & Preparation for Active Duty I (AS 443)
Spring - National Security Affairs & Preparation for Active Duty II (AS 444)
3 credits.
AS400, "National Security Affairs and Preparation for Active Duty," is designed for college seniors and gives them the foundation to understand their role as military officers, and how they are directly tied to our National Security. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level. The final semester provides information that will prepare the cadets for Active Duty.
Required Documentation
Required Documents and Information
- Birth Certificate (must be the ORIGINAL or with raised seal)
- Proof of U.S. Citizenship such as Naturalization Certificate, INS Certificate, FS-240, Report of Birth Abroad (if born outside the US, or its territories)
- DD Form 214, Certificate of Discharge (for Prior-service personnel only)
- Social Security Card (must be the ORIGINAL)
- Selective Service Registration Printout (refer to their website)
- NJIT or Other College Transcripts (if applicable)
- Transcripts from any military academies attended (if applicable)
- SAT or ACT Score Results (all cadets and applicants)
- Civil Air Patrol Participation/Award Certificates (as applicable)
- AFJROTC Form 310 or AF Form 1256, AFJROTC Certificate of Completion (for former Junior ROTC only)
- Private Pilot's License, Multi-Engine, Commercial Pilot, or Other Aeronautical Cert/License (as applicable)
- Medical History (call Detachment for any questions)
- Any information or documentation on involvements with civil, military, school authorities, or law enforcement officials (you should know the type of involvement, date of involvement, name of authority/court and city, and the disposition/finding)
If you are interested in the program, we suggest you contact us by phone or e-mail prior to organizing these required documents.
Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT)
An additional requirement for all Air Force ROTC cadets is to pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT). It is a standardized test similar to the SAT with the addition of sections that test for aviation and flight related knowledge. The results of the AFOQT are broken down into 5 sections: Verbal, Quantitative, Academic Aptitude, Pilot, and Navigator. A guide to the AFOQT can be found here.
Field Training
All Air Force ROTC cadets must attend Field Training (FT). Cadets usually attend FT during the summer between their second and third years of college. The purpose of FT is to evaluate military discipline, Air Force leadership potential, and to determine the readiness for entry into the Professional Officer Course (POC) via leadership, followship, and teambuilding opportunities. Additional information can be found here.
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