Wenzhou-Kean University Student Representatives
In June of 2019, the Wenzhou-Kean University Board of Directors approved the creation of two non-voting student representatives from Kean USA. Initial elections to fill the partial first terms of the newly created positions took place in the fall of 2019.
To be eligible, a student must be a full-time matriculated student in good standing with no history of any student conduct violations, must be at least 18 years of age, and a citizen of the United States. Kean University requires that undergraduate students maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 and have completed at least 30 degree credits – a minimum of 15 credits must have been completed at Kean University. Graduate students must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and have completed at least 12 credits at Kean University.
WKU student representative elections take place annually in April. All currently registered Kean University students are eligible to vote in Wenzhou-Kean University Student Representative elections.
In the event that a vacancy occurs, an election shall be held within 60 days to fill the position.
We are announcing the election of one (1) non-voting student representative to the Wenzhou-Kean University Board of Directors. For this election, one member will be elected for a two-year term concluding June 30, 2027. This position will serve as non-voting member of the Wenzhou-Kean University Board of Directors.
To be eligible a student must be a full-time matriculated student in good standing with no history of any student conduct violations, must be eighteen (18) years of age or older and a citizen of the United States. Kean University requires that undergraduate students maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75, and have completed at least thirty (30) degree credits. A minimum of fifteen (15) credits must have been completed at Kean University. Graduate students must be full-time, have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and have completed at least twelve (12) credits at Kean University.
If you meet the eligibility requirements and are interested in this position, you must complete an application form. For application and additional information, see below.
Completed applications must be received by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs on Cougar Link by Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at 2 p.m.
The online student representative election will take place from Monday, April 21, 2025, at 9 a.m. through Tuesday, April 22, 2025, at 4 p.m. All currently registered students are eligible to vote.
If you have any questions about this position, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, studentaffairs@kean.edu, or stop by the Miron Student Center, Room 303.
Application for Student Representative to the Wenzhou-Kean University Board of Directors Due Tuesday, April 1, 2025, by 2 p.m. Application is submitted on Cougar Link. Students are required to log-in using their Kean email username and password to access the online application.
Election Policy for the Representatives to the Wenzhou-Kean University Board of Directors