Entrepreneurial Education Initiatives (EEI)
About EEI
Kean University’s Entrepreneurial Education Initiatives (EEI) division is dedicated to forging viable pathways to a college degree for all PK-12 students across New Jersey and beyond.
Our work is based on a shared vision of equity and open access to higher education — one where every student can climb higher and reach their full potential in life.
Kean Scholar Academy
Qualified high school freshmen can earn college credits and participate in pre-college mentorships, internships and other enrichment activities that support their journey toward a college degree.

Project Adelante
Project Adelante, one of Kean University’s pre-college programs, is designed to reduce the high school dropout rate of Latino students, increase their skills and encourage youth to pursue higher education.

Upward Bound
Upward Bound is a FREE federally funded program designed to help eligible high school students successfully complete high school and prepare for college success.

Generation 2 Generation
Generation 2 Generation events bring students, parents and mentors together for engaging workshops, personal development opportunities and support services.

Education Programs Initiative
This program provides professional development training to school management and staff of our K-12 district partners with workshops tailored to their specific needs.

High School Partnerships
Juniors and seniors can take college credits at discounted rates that are paid for by their school districts, reducing the overall costs of a college degree.