International Education for Faculty
Lead A Kean Travelearn
Faculty and staff play a crucial role in Kean’s international programs.
If you are thinking about running a Travelearn, contact the Center for International Studies to talk about options regarding providers, countries, and ideas for timelines. All programs must receive final approval by the relevant Senior VP. Once packets are completed, they must be returned to the CIS office which will help route the packet through the rest of the approval process. Programs should be prepared to present at least three proposals from different study abroad vendors.
TLs can be offered as a winter/spring/summer course with travel during the semester or semester breaks. When offered as a winter/spring course, the international travel component is typically 6-10 days whereas if offered as a summer course, international travel can be longer. TLs are academic credit-bearing courses including internships abroad that meet Kean’s teaching standards and curricular demands.
We are here to assist you in developing academic short-term educational travel to destinations around the world. Please contact CIS ( to schedule an appointment to discuss your Travelearn proposal in detail and review the next steps in the process.
Additional Faculty Responsibilities
- All faculty members traveling on a TL will have a pre-departure meeting with Center for International Studies prior to leaving
- Faculty and or their department will arrange to pick up a cell phone through OCIS for their international travel
- The number for the cellphone will be left with Center for International Studies for emergency purposes
Materials To Apply To Run A Travelearn
Contact the Center for International Studies ( to obtain the Travelearn Proposal Form and Budget Sheet.
Once a TL proposal has received final approval, faculty coordinators and additional faculty members must fill out the required travel paperwork per the requirements of the Kean Travel Manual. Center for International Studies retains the right to cancel a program if there are not enough students registered. Programs may also be canceled if it is deemed not safe to travel to particular countries.
Tips to design your program (attractive yet affordable)
➢ Course should be open to all majors, UG and Graduate
➢ Consider itineraries that can attract a broad base of students
➢ For affordability, minimize the trip to 1 or 2 destinations, look at less popular destinations, and consider different hotels and activities
Academic Considerations
- TL must be linked to at least 1 academic credit (2-3 recommended).
- Please refer to the academic guidance for semester credit hours
- TL is an academic course; therefore, destination, primary aim of the travel, and activities must correlate directly with the course and learning outcomes
- Priority in registration must be given to current matriculated Kean students
- Majority of enrolled students in the course must be matriculated Kean students
Approval of Course as a Travelearn Course
Faculty members/personnel intending to propose a Travelearn course must consult the Center for International Studies prior to developing and presenting an outline. In the course of this consultation, discussion should focus on such matters as a detailed itinerary listing total number of contact hours, faculty load, evaluation of student performance, general costs involved, and financial aid. Evidence of such consultation is a prerequisite to final approval. Faculty/personnel should note that Travelearn courses are no longer reviewed or approved by the Distance Learning Committee.
1. School/Departmental/Program Approval
a. Existing Course as a Travelearn Course The course outline is presented for approval as a Travel-Learn course first by the School/Department/Program Curriculum Committee and then by the entire School/ Department/Program.
b. New Travelearn Course The proposed new Travelearn course is presented for approval as a new course and as a Travelearn course by the School/Department/Program Curriculum Committee and then by the entire School/Department/Program.
2. College Curriculum Committee Approval The course outline is presented by the Chair of the School/Department/Program Curriculum Committee to the Chair of the appropriate College Curriculum Committee for formal receipt, review and action. If the course is a graduate course, it must also be reviewed and approved by the Graduate College Curriculum Committee.
3. Dean Action The Chair of the College Curriculum Committee transmits the approved course outline to the appropriate College Dean(s) for signature. If the course is a graduate course, it will also be forwarded to the Graduate Dean for signature. The Dean(s) shall then facilitate its implementation as appropriate. Copies of the approved Travelearn course shall be filed in the University Senate Office, the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Registrar, the 64 offices of the appropriate School(s)/Department(s)/Program(s) and the Center for International Studies.