Brian Charles Baldwin, Ed.D.

Brian Baldwin, Ph.D., joined Kean University in 2007 as Assistant Professor of Science Education and Coordinator of STEM Education programs at NJCSTM. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in science teaching methods and science education research methods. He is currently directing the $750,000 Kean Math and Science Partnership, providing professional development to science teachers.
Baldwin previously directed the $1.7 Million Kean Math-Science Partnership, which provided professional development opportunities for approximately 225 math and science teachers. He also regularly consults with school districts and provides professional development in science instruction and curriculum matters, as well as providing external evaluation for STEM education funded projects with K-12 and Higher Education institutions. Baldwin earned his B.S. in Chemistry and M.Ed. in Secondary Education from Ohio University, and his Ed.D. in Science Education from Columbia University – Teachers College. For more information, visit Dr. Baldwin's website here.
Courses Taught
- EMSE 3230 (Science Education)
- STME 2903 / 3903 (Undergraduate Research)
- EMSE 5320 (Computers in School Curriculum)
- EMSE 5031 (Action Research Seminar)
- STME 5032 (Research in Science Education)
- STME 5700 (Research in Math Education)
- STME 5711 (Graduate Seminar in Science and Technology Education)
Research Interests
Over the past 5-7 years, my research has been deeply embedded in the STEM education sector, with a particular focus on the preparation and ongoing professional development of prospective math and science teachers. In collaboration with groups of undergraduate students, who are themselves aspiring educators in STEM fields, I have been involved in projects that require extensive data manipulation and analysis. The core of my research has been to explore and analyze large datasets, which has gradually evolved into developing scripts and formulas that aid in the analysis, as well as utilizing mapping software to visually represent our findings.
My interests are multifaceted, combining the quantitative examination of educational data with geospatial analysis. I have been investigating trends in the employment and retention of STEM teachers across New Jersey, scrutinizing factors such as their certifications, years of experience, and salary scales. This has involved sifting through years of data to discern patterns and anomalies that could shed light on the state of STEM education. One of my key research endeavors is a manuscript in preparation titled "Enrollment and Performance in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate STEM courses in New Jersey: Trends between District Factor Groups," which symbolizes the blend of my interests in educational policy and teacher education.
In addition to analyzing teacher demographics, I am also interested in how these factors correlate with student achievement, particularly in district-level standardized math and science test scores. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has, admittedly, thrown a wrench in the works, affecting the availability and consistency of recent data. However, this has only fueled my determination to adapt and continue this line of research. By developing interactive maps and exploring the rich history of teacher data in New Jersey since the 1996-97 school year, my goal is to illuminate trends and inform strategies that can enhance the quality and stability of STEM education in the region. My research is a testament to my commitment to improving educational outcomes through meticulous data analysis and an understanding of the educational landscape's geographic nuances.
Recent Selected Publications
Baldwin, B. C. & Barbieri, B. (2024, March). Examining advanced STEM course enrollment and performance trends in New Jersey across District Factor Groups. Paper proposed at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) National Conference, Denver, CO. (submitted for publication and presentation)
Baldwin, B.C. & Lane, J. (2023, October). Enhancing Professional Development for Science Teachers with AI Tools: Twee and ChatGPT. Paper presented at the New Jersey Science Conference (NJSC), Princeton, NJ.
Gunning, A., Marrero, M., Nitecki, E., Brandon, L., Larson, K., & Baldwin, B. C. (2021, April). Supporting Elementary Teachers in High-need Schools to Teach STEM. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) National Conference, virtual.
Gunning, A. M., Nitecki, E., Marrero, M. E., & Baldwin, B. C. (2021, January). Integrating STEM into Elementary Education: A Case Study of a Professor’s Journey. Paper presented at the Association for Science Teacher Education Annual International Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
Gunning, A. M., Nitecki, E., Marrero, M. E., Brandon, L. T., & Baldwin, B. (2020, January). Cross-disciplinary Faculty PLC to Support STEM Professional Development. Paper presented at the Association for Science Teacher Education Annual International Conference, San Antonio, TX.
White, K., Stanziale, N., & Baldwin, B.C. (2019). The Association between Ethnicities with Each District Factor Group and Student Achievement. New Jersey Math Teacher, 77(1), 54-64.
Ha, M., Nehm, R. H., & Baldwin, B. C. (2015). The long-term impacts of short-term professional development: Science teachers and evolution. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 8(7), 1-23.