Faculty (OT)
Claire Mulry, OTD, OTR, CAPS, FAOTA
Department Chairperson
Associate Professor

Claire Mulry, OTD, OTR, CAPS, FAOTA, (she/her/hers) is the 8th Chairperson of the Department of Occupational Therapy. She has been a practicing occupational therapist for over 25 years. Dr. Mulry received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Rutgers University in 1988 and her Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Occupational Therapy from Kean College in 1997. She received her Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS) from the National Association of Home Builders in 2009 and her Post Professional Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Quinnipiac University in 2010. She earned her Post Professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (OTD) from Thomas Jefferson University's School of Health Professions in 2012. She was awarded the American Occupational Therapy Association’s (AOTA) Roster of Fellows Award (FAOTA) in 2021.
Dr. Mulry’s areas of expertise are adult rehabilitation, aging in place, environmental modifications and acquired brain injury. She has experience in acute care, acute inpatient rehabilitation, sub-acute and geriatric home care. Dr. Mulry, co-founded Independent Domain, LLC in 2003. Independent Domain, LLC provides OT services, aging in place, home and environmental modification consultations, dementia caregiver support and advocacy services to help individuals thrive as they age.
Dr. Mulry’s passion is to promote meaningful occupational participation and engagement for individuals of all ages across the lifespan. Dr. Mulry has received outside grants totaling more than $2,000,000 from the NJ Building our Future Bond Initiative, AARP Community Challenge, AARP New Jersey, and Roselle Senior Housing. Dr. Mulry has received Kean University Grants including the Quality First Initiative Grant 2017-2018, Students Partnering with Faculty Grant (SpF) in 2016-2017 and Foundation Faculty Research Awards in 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. Dr. Mulry and a team of student researchers implemented her Let’s Go Program to promote community mobility for older adults in seven urban residences and in the community with clients living with chronic mental health concerns. Dr. Mulry's other grant-funded initiatives include the Grotta Fund for Older Adults which supported the Resiliency Through Relationships and Recipes Program in 2023. This project creates new and innovative pilot programming to increase the health and quality of life for older adult residents of subsidized senior housing buildings by helping them reengage in social participation through intergenerational community building. In 2022 she received the AARP Community Challenge Grant which funded the Walk, Share, Thrive project targeting multiple goals through its focus on diversity and inclusion; by improving the social and built environment, and the creation of vibrant public spaces.
Dr. Mulry served as an Adjunct Professor at Kean University from 2004-2010. Dr. Mulry has taught many courses in the curriculum. She currently teaches Education, Administration, Supervision and Advocacy and Theoretical Guidelines to Practice I. She also serves as a doctoral dissertation advisor. Dr. Mulry’s occupational roles in addition to OT ,OT educator and citizen, include wife, dogmom, sister, friend, aunt, and Grauntie. Dr. Mulry’s leisure pursuits include hiking, reading, board games, riding roller coasters, attending concerts, theater, as well as being an avid Mets fan.
- American Occupational Therapy Association, Roster of Fellows - 2021
- New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association, OT mOTivator - 2020
- ARC of Somerset, Excellence in Impact Programming - 2019
- Kean University, Nathan Weiss Graduate College Excellence in Graduate Faculty - 2016
- Kean University, Center for Leadership and Service Certificate of Appreciation - 2015
- New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association President’s Award - 2014
- New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Award of Merit - 2014
- New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Service Award 2014, 2012, 2010
- Mulry, C.M., Gardner, J., Swarbrick, M., Maltempi, O., Ramirez, M.,DiMaiuta, A. & Wollny, K. (2020) Feasibility of the Let’s Go Mobility Program for Community Dwelling Adults with Mental Disorders, Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 36:4, 307-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/0164212X.2020.1825151
- Mulry, C. M. (2018). Hospital discharge can happen very quickly. Will you be ready? Retrieved from https://advocateformomanddad.com/discharge-will-you-be-ready/
- Mulry, C. M. (2018). Medicare, private insurance, long term care insurance, private pay– Who pays for which care facility and for how long? Retrieved from https://advocateformomanddad.com/who-pays-care-facility-how-long
- Mulry, C. M. (2018). Acute care (hospital), inpatient acute rehabilitation (IRF), sub-acute, SNF, LTC, LTAC– The alphabet soup of care facilities. Retrieved from https://advocateformomanddad.com/alphabet-soup-of-care-facilities/
- Mulry, C.M., Papetti, C., DeMartinis, J. & Ravinsky, M. (2017). Facilitating wellness in urban dwelling older adults via community mobility: A mixed methods study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4). doi:10.5014/ajot.2017.025494
- Knis-Matthews, L., Mulry, C.M., & Richard, L. (2017). The Matthews model of clinical reasoning: A systematic way to think about evaluation and treatment considerations. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 33, 1-14. doi:10.1080/0164212X.2017.1303658
- Mulry, C. M., Gardner, J., Hardaway, H. L., Curcio, C. Herrera, L., Scimeca, K., Shah, M. & Syers, K. (2017). Preemptive home modifications for fall prevention and participation in older adults in PACE program. OT Practice SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 2(2), 21–23.
- Mulry, C. M. (2016). Promoting productive aging using an innovative community mobility program. OT Practice, SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 1, 18-19.
- Hreha, K., Mulry, C.M, Gross, M., Jedziniak, T., Gramas, N., Ohevshalom, L, Sheridan, A., Szabo, G., Davidson, C. & Barrett, A.M., (2016). Assessing chronic stroke survivors with aphasia sheds light on prevalence of spatial neglect. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080.10749357.2016.1196906
- Mulry, C. M. & Piersol, C.V. (2014). The Let’s Go program for community participation: A feasibility study. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 32, 241-254.
- Mulry, C.M. (2012). Transitions to assisted living: A pilot study of residents’ occupational perspectives. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 30, 327-342.doi: 10.3109/02703181.2012.741190
- Mulry, C.M. (2012). Reaching beyond clinic walls: Motor vehicle accident prevention. OT Practice, 17, (21) 7-8.
- Gardner, J., Mulry, C., Chalik, S. (2012). College?: Adolescents with autism and learning disorders participate in an on-campus service-learning program. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 64, 257-269. doi:1-.3109/07380577.2012.720052
Grants awarded
- Grotta Fund for Older Adults 2023 $40,000.00
- Community Challenge Grant. AARP 2022 $18,000.00
- Thriving in Community, AARP NJ 2019 $8,000.00
- Thriving in Community, AARP NJ 2018 $8,000.00
- Quality First Initiative (QFI), Kean University 2017 $8,900.00
- Clinton Global Initiative University, Kean University 2017 $5,000.00
- Foundation Faculty Research Award, Kean University 2016 $4,000.00
- Clinton Global Initiative University, Kean University 2016 $3,333.33
- Foundation Faculty Research Award, Kean University 2016 $4,000.00
- Students Partnering with Faculty, Kean University 2015 $16,000.00
- Foundation Faculty Research Award, Kean University 2015 $5,000.00
- Building Our Future, NJ Higher Education Grant 2013 $2,087,500.00
Department Managers & Staff
Resident Faculty
Kimberly Burke is the Managing Administrative Assistant and has been with Kean for over 19 years. Kim’s contributions and support are vital to the department’s success.
Victor Michael Camacho, OTD, OTR/L, L.Ac.

Assistant Professor
Victor Michael Camacho, OTD, OTR/L, L.Ac., (He/Él/Him/His) has been a practicing occupational therapist for over 27 years. Dr.Camacho received his B.S. in occupational therapy from Kean College in 1995. In 2004 he earned a M.S degree in Acupuncture from the Tri-State College of Acupuncture. Dr. Camacho maintains a national certification and NJ license to practice acupuncture. He earned his Post-Professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy (OTD) from Quinnipiac University in 2019.
Dr. Camacho’s practice area and passion is adult rehabilitation with an expertise in amputee rehabilitation. He has experience working in acute care, inpatient rehabilitation and skilled nursing facilities. As a clinician, Dr. Camacho has worked closely with individuals with limb amputation and their families to facilitate engagement and participation in valued and needed occupations within their desired environment.
Dr. Camacho began his academic career in 2006 as an Adjunct Professor at Kean University and consistently taught Theory II lab and Introduction to Occupational Therapy until 2019. He has experience teaching in a class-room and in virtual settings. In 2019, Dr. Camacho joined the Kean University Occupational Therapy Department as an Assistant Professor. He teaches Adult Rehabilitation Practice Seminar, Applied Kinesiology for Occupational Therapy, Theory Guidelines to Practice II (lab instructor), and Introduction to Occupational Therapy.
Dr. Camacho’s research agenda is focused on addressing the physical and mental health of individuals experiencing chronic illnesses. Self-management of pain, health literacy, culturally responsive education , and home modifications are among the areas of interest. Michael’s overarching professional goals are; 1. Engage in scholarly pursuits that lead to increasing the diversity of the occupational therapy profession, specifically underrepresented minorities and 2. Research focused on high-risk populations, health disparities, and improved health management and efficacy as a desired outcome for those we serve.
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Camacho, V.M., & Bolden, L. (2023, under development). Inclusive Educational Spaces to Build a Diverse OT Workforce.
- Practice brief informed by ongoing research study: Pathway to Academic: Perceptions of OT Faculty of Color
- Planned to be submitted to AOTA, Education Special Interest Section
- Camacho, V. M., Boyce, K., Dudley, M., Lucianna, M., Walker, L., & Olaechea, G. (2023, under review). Telehealth Use during COVID-19 Pandemic: Perceptions of Adults Living in Urban Communities.
- Submitted to Occupational Therapy in Healthcare
- December, 2023
- Camacho, V.M., Gardner, J., Cruz, D., Dunn, M., & Figurerias, S. (2023, under review). The Impact and Feasibility of an Occupation Based Foot-care Program with a culturally responsive lens for Underserved Older Adults.
- Manuscript submitted to Occupational Therapy in Health Care, Special Issue: Family/Caregiver of the Client: Issues and Solutions.
- Submitted August 15th, 2023
- Camacho, V.M., Gardner, J., Lee, J., Baluyut, R.M., Taylor, S., & Fauder, J. (2023). Dance Participation during the covid-19 pandemic: Experiences of older adult dance studio members. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, Doi: 10.1080/0164212X.2023.2207841
- Camacho, V.M., Carlson, A. N., & Bondoc, S. (2021). Addressing phantom pain through occupational participation: A qualitative study of support group participants. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 41(2), 1-8.
- Camacho, V.M., Provisor, J., & Fuentes, N., A. (2021). Recommendations for implementing mirror therapy after amputation and stroke, SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 6(2), 25-27.
- Camacho, V. M., & Schmidt, M. R. (2014). Gauging learning styles: A pre-prosthetic training protocol for older adults with lower limb amputations. OT practice, 19 (1), 14-18.
Peer-Review Poster Presentations
- Ochenduszko, J., Camacho, V. M., Robertson, H., Gallagher, V., Pereira, I., & Tsang-Wu, C. T.-W. (2024, Winter). Exploring interoception with adults: Occupational therapy practitioner knowledge, perceptions, and practice patterns. Accepted in American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference INSPIRE. AOTA. Orlando Fl.
- Pereira, I., Gallagher, V., Camacho, V. M., Provisor, J., Robertson, H., & Tsang-Wu, C. (2023, Autumn). Exploring interoception with adults: Occupational therapy practitioner knowledge, perceptions, and practice patterns. Accepted in 2023 NYSOTA Annual Conference. NYSOTA.
- Camacho, V. M., Pereira, I., Tsang-Wu, C., Gallagher, V., Provisor, J., & Robertson, H. (2023, Autumn). Exploring interoception with adults: Occupational therapy practitioner knowledge, perceptions, and practice patterns. Accepted in New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Kean University.
- Friedman, Z., Camacho, V.M. & Centi, D. (2023). Confronting Ageism, Ableism and Mentalism Biases: A Narrative Review of Literature Supporting Lifespan Inclusive Model of Clinical Training and Practice. Presented in ACRM 2023 Conference for publication in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Camacho, V.M., Cruz, D., Dunn, M., & Figurerias, S. (2022, Oct). Diabetic foot care through an occupational therapy lens: Delivering culturally responsive education and training for an urban at-risk population. Poster session accepted and scheduled at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual State Conference, Newark, NJ.
- Camacho, V.M., Cruz, D., Dunn, M., & Figurerias, S. (2022, Oct). Diabetic foot care through an occupational therapy lens: Delivering culturally responsive education and training for an urban at-risk population. Poster session accepted and scheduled at Poster session accepted and scheduled at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo INSPIRE, Kansas City, MO.
- Mulry, C.M., Camacho, V.M., Herring, K., Churampi,K., & Quinto, E.(2023, April). OT in community: Intergenerational collaborations for thriving in a virtual world. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo INSPIRE, Kansas City, MO.
- Inserra, A., Camacho, V.M., & Sullivan, K. (2023, April). Using a Sensory Approach to Address Mental Health and Academic Challenges of Neurodiverse Undergraduate Students through an Occupational Therapy Lens. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo INSPIRE, Kansas City, MO.
- Friedman, Z., Camacho, V.M., & Centi, D. (2023, April). Transforming from life-segmented to life span practice: Reframing occupation from birth onward. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo INSPIRE, Kansas City, MO.
- Camacho, V.M., Lee, J., Baluyut, R.M., Taylor, S., & Fauder, J. (2022, April). Dance participation during the covid-19 pandemic: Perceptions of community older adults. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo INSPIRE, San Antonio, Texas.
- Camacho, V.M., Walker, L., Garcia, G., Boyce, K., Lucianna, M., & Donnelly, M. (2021, Oct). Older adults: Learning to connect with tech. Poster session presented at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual State Conference (virtual).
- Camacho, V.M., Provisor, J., & Fuentes, N., A. (2021, Oct). Recommendations for implementing mirror therapy after amputation and stroke. Poster session presented at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual State Conference (virtual).
- Camacho, V.M., Lee, J., Baluyut, R.M., Taylor, S., & Fauder, J. (2021, Oct). Dance participation during the covid-19 pandemic: Perceptions of community older adults. Poster session presented at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual State Conference (virtual).
- Chulyakov, A., & Camacho, V.M. (2021, Oct). The lived experience of scuba divers with mobility adaptations. Poster session presented at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual State Conference (virtual).
- Camacho, V.M., Dalia, A., Bartholomew, S., Schulmann, M., Allen, A., & Aekyung, K. (2021, May). Managing memory and time: Utilizing external memory aids. Poster presentation at New Jersey Brain Injury Alliance Conference: 2021Virtual Annual Professional Seminar, New Jersey, May 11th, 2021.
- Camacho, V.M., Carlson, A.N., & Bondoc, S (2020, April). A phenomenological study: Amputee survivors management of phantom pain through occupational participation. Poster presentation accepted for Americ
- Camacho, V.M., & Laudauti, C. (2017, April). The use of immersed virtual reality for management of phantom limb pain in amputee population in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, Philadelphia, PA.
- Camacho, V.M., & Laudauti, C. (2016, Oct). The use of immersed virtual reality for management of phantom limb pain in amputee population in the inpatient rehabilitation setting. Poster session presented at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual State Conference, Galloway, NJ.
- Camacho, V.M., & Corcoran, J. (April, 2016). The role of the occupational therapist in fall prevention during lower limb pre-prosthetic rehabilitation training. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, Chicago, IL.
- Camacho, V.M., & Corcoran, J. (Oct, 2015). The role of the occupational therapist in fall prevention during lower limb pre-prosthetic rehabilitation training. Poster session presented at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual State Conference, Hillside NJ.
- Camacho, V.M. (April, 2015). Defining the role of the occupational therapist in an inpatient rehabilitation amputee program. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, Nashville, TN.
Camacho, V.M. (April,2014). Cognitive deficits found in dysvascular amputee with history of type II diabetes. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, Baltimore, MD.
Camacho, V.M. (Oct 2013). Cognitive deficits found in dysvascular amputee with history of type II diabetes. Poster session presented at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Annual State Conference, Enterprise Center at Burlington County College, Mt Laurel, NJ.
Camacho, V.M., Schmidt, M., & Russo, R. (April, 2013). Learning styles of older adults with lower limb amputations. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, San Diego, CA.
Camacho, V.M., Schmidt, M., & Russo, R. (April, 2013). Learning styles of older adults with lower limb amputations. Poster session presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo, San Diego, CA.
Camacho, V.M., Schmidt, M., & Russo, R. (Oct, 2012). Learning styles of older adults with lower limb amputations. Poster session presented at the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association Annual State Conference, South Orange, NJ.
Kean University 2022 Antiracism and Social Justice Grant - Title: Pathway to Academia: Perceptions of Occupational Therapy Faculty of Color
Kean University 2021 Students Partnering with Faculty Summer Research Program - Title: Education on diabetic foot care: Addressing health disparities of an urban at-risk population through improved health management in self-care.
2023- June Activities Award: Awarded 2,500 dollars towards publication fees. Manuscript developed and submitted to Health & Social Care in the Community at the end of June. Rejected. (Revised Manuscript resubmitted to Occupational Therapy in Health Care Special edition on caregiver/family support/barriers and currently under review. No fees associated)
2023- Graduate Assistantship awarded: Awarded 10 Hrs of GA support for research for AY 23-
2022-2023 Release Time for Research (RTR): Awarded a total of six hours of release time to dedication on Pathway to Academia: Perceptions of Occupational Therapy Faculty of Color
2023 New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association (NJOTA) mOTivator Award: Awarded to occupational therapy practitioners who have contributed to the profession and are seen as inspirational and motivators to peers and students
2022 New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association (NJOTA) mOTivator Award: Awarded to occupational therapy practitioners who have contributed to the profession and are seen as inspirational and motivators to peers and students
2020 New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association (NJOTA) mOTivator Award: Awarded to occupational therapy practitioners who have contributed to the profession and are seen as inspirational and motivators to peers and student
2018 New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association (NJOTA) Award of Merit: Awarded: OT-Advancement in Treatment and Research in the area of Prosthetics.
2015 Metropolitan Occupational Therapy Education Council of New York & New Jersey (MOTEC) Award: Awarded: Fieldwork Educator of the Year
Laurie Knis-Matthews, Ph.D., OTR
Laurie Knis-Matthews, OT, Ph.D, (she/her/hers) has been an occupational therapist in New Jersey for over 30 years. She has worked with many psychosocial

populations across the lifespan including pediatrics, adolescent, adults and geriatrics in various treatment settings such as; hospitals, outpatient settings, group homes, detox units and long term addiction programs.
After earning a bachelor's degree in occupational therapy from Kean College, she continued her studies at New York University where she earned both her master's and doctoral degrees in occupational therapy in 1996 and 2005, respectively. Dr. Knis' dissertation topic focused on the experiences of substance dependent parents in a yearlong drug treatment program. Laurie was employed as an adjunct professor at Kean University and New York University, before beginning full time employment at Kean in 1999. Dr. Knis-Matthews currently teaches a variety of courses in both the masters and doctoral programs related to theoretical guides to practice, research, and psychosocial seminars. In 2012, she was promoted to full professor at Kean University and served as chairperson of the department from 2010-2017.Under her leadership, the occupational therapy program has earned a ten-year accreditation (the maximum amount permitted), developed an onsite OT clinic and began developing an entry level doctoral program.
She serves on numerous educational committees, is a prolific and acclaimed presenter and published author. Many of her research interests focus on the experiences of various vulnerable populations (adults and/or children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, mental illness, addiction). Laurie has had much success publishing and presenting research studies with her graduate students. Dr. Knis-Matthews has developed a model of clinical reasoning called the Matthews Model of Clinical Reasoning. You can learn more information about this model by following Instagram: @mmcr.ot
Selected Publications:
- Knis-Matthews, L. (2024). The Matthews Model of Clinical Reasoning: A Systematic Guide to occupational-based evaluation and intervention planning.
- Routledge.Swarbrick, M.,& Knis-Matthews, L. (2023). The time to act is now! Occupational Therapy’s role in health management. In G. Gillen, & C. Brown (Eds.), Willard & Spackman’s occupational therapy, 14th edition (Chapter 50). Wolters Kluwer Heath Inc.
- Knis-Matthews, L., Koch, M., Nufrio, A., Neustein, M., Zaki, F.& Wall, K. (2020). The Perceptions Four Novice Occupational Therapists' Preparedness and Ability to Perform Occupation-Based Practice in Pediatric Practice Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 5(4). DOI:10.26681/ jote.2021.050416
- Garramone, P., Knis-Matthews, L., Brandeis, P., Kret, M., & Leva, A. (2020). Against the current: Exploring the experiences of fathers with a history of substance abuse. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 37:4, 332-356, DOI: 10.1080/0164212X.2021.1980174
- Knis-Matthews, L., Wall. K., DeMartinis, J.,Hoffman, Y., and Pantale, A. (2019). The unheard voices of transition: The experiences of four female young adults with ASD as they prepare to graduate. The High School Journal.
Zahava L. Friedman, PhD, OT, BCBA

Assistant Professor
Dr. Friedman, PhD, OT, BCBA is currently a full-time Assistant Professor at Kean University’s Occupational Therapy department. In terms of clinical experience, she has worked as a pediatric occupational therapy clinician, in both public and private school-based settings, since 2007. Dr. Friedman also worked for the New York City Early Intervention system from 2008-2017, servicing children ages 0-3 in their homes. In terms of research, Dr. Friedman's research interests include inter professional collaboration in schools, synergies between OT and ABA, and the creation of rigorous, engaging student learning experiences. Dr. Friedman is a strong advocate of collaborating with neurodivergent learners in higher education settings. She additionally collaborates with occupational therapy researchers at Western New England University, Monmouth University and University of Kansas-Medical Center, supporting mental health of Level II occupational therapy fieldwork students. Dr. Friedman has trained countless occupational therapy students in her role as a fieldwork educator for OT and COTA programs throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. She has been invited to present at international, national and statewide conferences, such as ISSOTL, IPEC, ACRM, AOTA and NJEA, in a variety of public/private school-based settings, and for special education non-profit organizations. In 2014, Dr. Friedman completed courses and practicum to achieve the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) credential. In this capacity as OT and BCBA, she uses both sensory and behavioral frameworks in her practice. Dr. Friedman was recently awarded a grant from the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey, designated toward running Raising families , an interprofessional 12 week therapy program serving families in our local area. In this role, Dr. Friedman has coordinated efforts across four departments within Kean University, while providing intensive therapeutic services free-of-charge as a service to community-dwelling caregivers and their children.
Courses Taught
Master’s Coursework Taught
OT 5612 Group Development Across the Lifespan (3 credits), Fall, 2021
OT 5401 Theoretical Guidelines to Practice II (4 credits), Spring, 2021-Present
OT 5520 Research Methods in Occupational Therapy I (3 credits), Summer, 2022
OT 6521 Research Methods in Occupational Therapy II (3 credits), Fall, 2021-Present
OT 6525 Advanced Research in Occupational Therapy (3 credits), Spring, 2022-Present
OT 6923 Seminar in Pediatric Practice, Spring (6 credits), 2022
OT 5611 Community Partnerships and Service (1 credit), Spring 2024- present)
Doctoral Coursework Taught
OT 6611 Community Partnerships and Service (1 credit), Spring, 2022
OT 6401 Theoretical Guidelines to Practice II (4 credits), Spring, 2021-Present
OT 6520 Research Methods in Occupational Therapy I (3 credits), Summer, 2022
OT 7521 Research Methods in Occupational Therapy II (3 credits), Fall, 2021-Present
OT 7525 Advanced Research in Occupational Therapy, Spring (3 credits), 2022-Present
OT 7923 Seminar in Pediatric Practice (6 credits), Fall, 2020-Present
- Friedman, Z. (2024). Interprofessional Collaboration and Self- Compassion Intervention for School-Based Practitioners: A Mixed-Methods Analysis. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01942638.2024.2400621
- Friedman, Z., El Roy, D. (2024) Exploring Interprofessional and Self Competencies for Applied Behavior Analysis Professionals: A Qualitative Study. Behavior Analysis in Practice. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-024-00991-5
- Nash, D. & Friedman, Z. (2024) Accommodation Versus Privilege: Faculty Perceptions and Use of Accommodations to Support Students with ADHD. Quality Assurance in Education. https://doi.org/10/1108/QAE-01-2024-0014
- Friedman, Z. & Nash, D. (2023) Has the Time Come for Heutagogy? Supporting Neurodivergent Learners in Higher Education. Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-023-01097-7
- Friedman, Z. & Banta, C. (2023) A call to arms for professional sustainability and practitioner's mental health. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 2023.https://doi.org/10.1080/07380577.2023.2220127
- Friedman, Z., Ochoa, J., Prisco, D. & Seruya, F. (2023). Connected Rhythm: A scoping review of therapeutic drumming as an intervention for autistic individuals. Accepted in Open Journal of Occupational Therapy. February, 2023. In Press.
- Friedman, Z. L., & Nealon, K. (2023). Siloed vs. Interprofessional approach: Speech language pathologists' and occupational therapists’ perspectives on comorbidity of childhood apraxia of speech and sensory processing disorder. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 31, 100611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2023.100611.
- Friedman, Z. (2022). Breakfast Club Lessons: Staff Perspectives on a Yearlong Collaborative Tele-therapy Initiative During COVID-19. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2022.2119447
- Friedman, Z. (2022). Signature pedagogies vs. trauma informed approaches: Thematic analysis of graduate students’ reflections. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, https://doi.org/10.1177/23733799221118575
- Friedman, Z., Akselrud, R., Goldman, M., Horowitz, R., Moradi, S. Seror, E. (2022). Charting a path tocollaboration: Experiences of occupational therapy and applied behavior analysis practitioners. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19411243.2022.2106343
- Friedman, Z. L., Hubbard, K., & Seruya, F. (2022). Building better teams: Impact of education and coaching intervention on interprofessional collaboration between teachers and occupational therapists in schools. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, 16(2), 173-193. https://doi.org/10.1080/19411243.2022.2037492
- Friedman, Z. & Akselrud, A. (2023). Working together or apart? An interprofessional education initiative between occupational therapy and applied behavior analysis practitioners. Accepted for All Together Better Health Conference, Doha, QA, for publication in Journal of Interprofessional Care.
- Friedman, Z. (2023). The ‘Lift’ of Collaborative Teams: Mixed-methods study of a district-wide interprofessional collaboration and self-compassion intervention. Accepted for All Together Better Health Conference, Doha, QA, for publication in Journal of Interprofessional Care.
- Friedman, Z., Camacho, V.M. & Centi, D. (2023). Confronting Ageism, Ableism and Mentalism Biases: A Narrative Review of Literature Supporting Lifespan Inclusive Model of Clinical Training and Practice. Accepted in ACRM 2023 Conference, for publication in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Friedman, Z., Nealon, K., Lee, J. & Villanueva, K. (2023). Using a Visualization and Immersive Studio to Design a Novel Interprofessional Education Experience: A Program Evaluation. Accepted in ACRM 2023 Conference, for publication in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- Prisco, D., Ochoa, J. & Friedman, Z. (2023). Therapeutic Drumming for Mental Health in the Autism Community: A Scoping Review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 77(Supplement_2), 7711505054p1. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2023.77S2-PO54
- Friedman, Z. & Nash, D. (2023). “Everything Gets Bigger”: Exploration of College Faculty Perceptions of Learning Capacities of Students With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 77(Supplement_2), 7711505071p1. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2023.77S2-PO71
- Friedman, Z. & Nealon, K. (2023) Interdisciplinary Clinician Perspectives of Comorbid Presentations of Sensory Processing Disorder & Childhood Apraxia of Speech. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Vol. 77(Supplement_2), 7711505059p1. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2023.77S2-PO59
- Hubbard, K., & Friedman, Z. (2020). Interprofessional Collaboration Among Teachers and School-Based OTs. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(4_Supplement_1), 7411505136p1-7411505136p1. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.74S1-PO3317
- Waldman-Levi, A., Akselrud, R., Friedman, Z., Halperin, L., Leiser, S.K. & Molinsky. R. (2024) Addressing the Needs of Jewish Clients and Student through a Trauma-Informed-Approach. Accepted in Open Journal of Occupational Therapy.
- Friedman, Z. Nuesi, T., Ochoa, J., Guarino, C.J. & Cheuvront, B. (2023). Music of the drum: Drumming as a holistic occupational therapy intervention OT Practice, 28(3), 12-17.
- Friedman, Z. (2022) The breakfast club: Enduring lessons for stronger school-based relationships. OT Practice, 27(7), 12-16.
- Friedman, Z. & Casey, M. (2021) “Sensational Success:A Sensorimotor Developmental Learning Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers, 0-3.” Sensorimotor Development Curriculum written for Tilly Education Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, P. R. CHINA
- Friedman, Z. (2014). Let’s get fit: fully integrated therapy. Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners.
- Friedman, Z. (2014) Pinterest prowess. Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners

Assistant Professor
Amanda Sarafian, EdD, OTR/L (she/her/hers) has been practicing as a licensed occupational therapist for over 30 years and has worked with individuals across the lifespan in a variety of settings including inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, school-based settings, pediatric private practice, and early intervention. Amanda earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Delaware (1992), Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from Columbia University (1994), and her Doctor of Education in Movement Sciences in Education (Occupational Therapy) from Teachers College, Columbia University (2020). Her dissertation focused on upper extremity functioning in children with bilateral cerebral palsy and instrument development and validation. Amanda’s professional and research interests include occupational therapy practice with individuals with neurodevelopmental and movement disorders and their families, activity and participation outcomes in children with cerebral palsy and acquired brain injuries, assessment and instrument development and validation, and community based participatory research. Amanda currently serves on departmental and university committees and provides occupational therapy services and student learning opportunities in the Occupational Therapy Kean Cares Clinic. Amanda is a peer reviewer for the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) and an active member in the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) where she currently serves on the Scientific Program Committee. Amanda enjoys disseminating her scholarly work at national and international events and conferences including Quebec City, Quebec and Sendai, Hokkaido, and Osaka, Japan.
Master’s Coursework Taught
· OT6923 Pediatric Seminar
· OT6521 Research in OT II
· OT5520 Research Methods in OT I
· OT5551 Education, Administration, Supervision, and Management
· OT5210 Conditions I Across the Lifespan
· OT5611 Community Partnerships
Doctoral Coursework Taught
· OT6525 Advanced Research
· OT6002 Foundations of Occupational Therapy
· OT6551 Education, Administration, Supervision, and Management
· OT6210 Conditions I Across the Lifespan
· Koraitem, I., Sarafian, A., & Grajo, L. (2024, under review). School-based executive function guideline (SB-EFG): A practice guideline for executive function assessment and intervention in school- based practice.
· Brat, M., Sarafian, A., Corbet, S., Matos, D., & Pannasch, M. (2024, under review). Evaluation of an interdisciplinary community-based parenting program for marginalized families with limited access to therapeutic services: A Pilot Study
· Matsumoto, Y., Yoshii, Y. Ikutomo, A., Yagi, M., Nishimura, M., Kawasaki, Y., Sarafian, A., Kim, H. Roye, D.P., & Matsumoto, H. (2024). Improvement in a post-stroke pediatric patient with hemiplegia: Use of a hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy with hybrid assistive limb. Brain and Development, 46 (1), 68 – 72.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.braindev.2023.08.002
· Grajo, L. C., Candler, C., & Sarafian, A. (2020). Interventions Within the Scope of Occupational Therapy to Improve Children's Academic Participation: A Systematic Review. Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74 The American (2), 7402180030p1–7402180030p32.https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.039016
· Gutman, S.A., Falk-Kessler, J.P., Sarafian, A.J., & Barbour, P. (2018). Emotional Intelligence Admission Essay Scale: Comparison between Essay and Interview Formats. Annals of International Occupational Therapy. https://doi.org/10.3928/24761222-20180417-02
· Sarafian, A., Dimitropoulou, K., Chatterji, M., & Gordon, A. (2021, abstract). Development and validation of an observational assessment of Upper extremity functioning in children with bilateral cerebral palsy, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2021, Vol. 75(Supplement_2), 7512500046p1. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2021.75S2-RP46
· American Journal of Occupational Therapy Outstanding Reviewer Award -2024
· Kean University Students Partnering with Faculty (SpF) Award ($16,000)-2023: Effectiveness of Interdisciplinary Community-Based Group Intervention to Address Mental Health and Social Participation in Children 5-7 years-old of marginalized identities with limited resources and access to therapeutic services: A Pilot Study.
· Columbia University Provost Innovative Course Design Grant-2021. Utilizing Case-based Teaching and Simulation Technology to Engage Students and Develop Clinical Competency in a Pediatric Occupational Therapy Graduate Course ($8,865 & In-kind support from Columbia University Center for Teaching and Learning)
Assistant Professor

Sabrina Kenny, Ph,D., OTR/L (she/her/hers) has practiced as a licensed occupational therapist for 20 years and currently serves as an assistant professor in Kean University's occupational therapy department. Her passion lies in bridging the gap between school-based occupational therapy practitioners and their ability to apply client-centered, evidence-based research to their practice. Dr. Kenny earned her Ph.D. from 2016 to 2022, focusing on early childhood learning and development at the University at Buffalo. After obtaining her Ph.D., she held a postdoctoral scholar position at Oregon State University in the department of human development and family sciences, where she primarily served on the evaluation team for a school readiness intervention efficacy study funded by the Institute of Educational Sciences (IES).
Before completing her Ph.D., Dr. Kenny earned her BS in Health Promotion Science at Saint Francis College in 2000, as well as her MS in Occupational Therapy at Sacred Heart University in 2002. She has extensive coursework and experience in child development, learning theories, social and emotional learning, adult learning methodologies, and instructional design. Demonstrating her commitment to evidence-based practice and research, Dr. Kenny has received both doctoral and postdoctoral training in survey development, systematic review, meta-analysis, and qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method designs.
Dr. Kenny specializes in school-based occupational therapy, commencing her career as a staff occupational therapist for the NY League for Early Learning and later advancing to a senior-level occupational therapist for the New York City Department of Education. Throughout her professional journey, she has provided mentorship and professional development to experienced OTs, newly hired OTs, and doctoral students working on their research endeavors. Dr. Kenny has also developed widely disseminated educational resources for the NYC DOE, including an Occupational Therapy Evidence Inventory and a Guide to Writing Smart IEP Goals for School Function and Participation. Moreover, she regularly presents at the American Occupational Therapy Association's national conference.
Currently, Dr. Kenny teaches courses in both the Entry-Level OTD program and the Masters of Science program, covering kinesiology, foundations of OT, and research methods in OT II. Besides her roles as an OT practitioner, researcher, and educator, she enjoys running, biking, swimming, hiking, and spending quality time with her family, including her daughter, husband, dog, and extended family.
David Stellmach, MA, OT/L

Acting Director, Kean Community Cares OT Clinic
David Stellmach, MA, OT/L has been practicing as a licensed occupational therapist since 1996 and currently serves as the Acting Director of the Kean Community Cares OT Clinic. David Stellmach earned an Associates degree in Communications at Raritan Valley Community College and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Media at Rutgers University. He earned his Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy from New York University. David Stellmach's primary areas of expertise include clinical expertise, Epic EMR applications, professional writing and communication, leadership and people development, process improvement, and problem solving for successful outcomes.
David Stellmach is an accomplished healthcare administrator and clinician with a proven track record delivering patient care in state of the art facilities. His experience as an OT began as a staff occupational therapist for the New York City Board of Education where he provided treatment plans and outcomes management to students with physical, academic, and psycho-social conditions in a school-based setting. David Stellmach also has experience in acute inpatient, outpatient rehabilitation, and home care settings with a vast population including those with mental health conditions, neurological injuries, and other physical challenges. David Stellmach began fulfilling his role as a healthcare administrator in 2013 as a senior manager in operations for CVS MinuteClinic. He has since held several administrative positions at Optum Medical Care where he has greatly contributed to the success of operations and revenue cycle management. In addition to being the Acting Director for the Kean Community Cares OT Clinic, he currently practices as a staff OT for Homecare Therapeutics.
Besides his role as an OT practitioner, administrator, and director, David Stellmach enjoys spending quality time with his wife and two kids. His favorite activities also include playing music (guitar and piano), surfing, and skiing with family and friends.
Tarah Romano, OTD
MSOT Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Tarah Romano, OTD is one of the managing assistant directors of the Occupational Therapy program here at Kean, and currently serves as the MSOT Academic Fieldwork Coordinator. Prior to this role she had been an adjunct professor here at Kean since 2017 teaching Kinesiology, Theoretical Guidelines to Practice Lab, Clinical Conditions, Community Partnerships and Adult Rehab Practice as well as fulfilling a role as the Temporary Clinic Director January 2023-August 2023. She attended TCNJ, obtained a degree in Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Psychology in 2011, Kean University Master of Science in Occupational Therapy in 2016 and is currently pursuing Post Professional OTD from Thomas Jefferson University.
Tarah has primarily practiced in the area of Adult Rehabilitation working in sub-acute and long term care facilities, inpatient rehabilitation, acute care and wheelchair clinics. She specialized in stroke rehabilitation, neurological impairments, complex seating and positioning and has a certification as a Stroke Rehab Specialist. In addition to her Occupational Therapist related roles, she is a mother of two, values spending time with her family and friends, enjoys traveling with family and cooking.
Alissa Pacheco, MOT, OTR/L

Alissa Pacheco, MOT, OTR/L is a Licensed and Board-Certified Occupational Therapist and holds a certification in Yoga for the Special Child. She is currently a PhD candidate in Kinesiology with a concentration in Motor Learning, Motor Control, and is attending Teachers College, Columbia University and is an active member of their Neurorehabilitation Research Lab. Her research focus is on using community based participator research to address he disparities, and exploring new intervention methods that will improve function and daily life skills for individuals with neurological and movement related impairments, specifically in Parkinson’s Disease. She has over fourteen years clinical experience working in acute care, inpatient, and pediatric & adult outpatient settings. She specializes in treatment for neurodegenerative disorders, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, brain injuries, visual-vestibular integration dysfunction & sensory integration impairments. She attended Quinnipiac University for her undergraduate bachelor’s degree in health & science studies in 2009 and stayed on for her master’s degree in occupational therapy, where she graduated in 2011. She has multiple peer-reviewed publications as first author and has presented at local and international conferences. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, hiking, and dancing.
OT5551 Education, Administration, Supervision & Advocacy
OT 6921 Adult Rehab Practice,
OT2400 Introduction to OT
OT6520 Research Methods I
OT6521 and OT 7521 Research Methods II
OT6612 Group Development
OT 6200 Introduction to Residency 1
OT 7200 Residency Proposal 1
OT 6223 Conditions 2
1. Pacheco A, van Schaik T, Paleyes N, Blacutt M, Vega J, Schreier A, Zhang H, Macpherson C, Desai R, Jancke G, Quinn L A Wearable Vibratory Device (The Emma Watch) to Address Action Tremor in Parkinson Disease: Pilot Feasibility Study JMIR Biomed Eng 2023;8:e40433. URL:https://biomedeng.jmir.org/2023/1/e40433
2. Kipnis, D.*, Pacheco, A.*, Delfing, D., Toomer-Mensah, N., Macpherson, C. E., Rieger, J., Parker, A., Coley, R. B., Coley, D., Shah,H., & Quinn, L. (2024). Community-based participatory research approach to address healthcare disparities confronting members of the Black Diaspora with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 119, 105936. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.parkreldis.2023.105936 * co-first authors
3. Kipnis D, Lin M, Pacheco A, Mensah N, Gu Y, Macpherson C, Kempner K, Parker A, Coley B, Coley D, Shah H, Quinn L. Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Care for Historically Marginalized Communities Affected by Parkinson Disease: A Qualitative Study. J. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40615-024-02011-2
4. Macpherson CE, Shih H-JS, Pacheco A, McGill R, Quinn L., On “Updates in Motor Learning: Implications for Physical Therapy Practice and Education.” [Letter to the Editor]. Leech KA, Roemmich RT, Gordon J, Reisman DS, Cherry-Allen KM. PhysTher. 2022;102:pzab250. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzab250, Physical Therapy, Volume 102, Issue 8, August 2022, pzac083, https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzac083
5. Long K, Quinn L, Macpherson C, Pacheco A, King M, Alomar J. PreActivePD Interventionist Manual (V2) Updated 2022
6. The PD Movers: We Keep Moving, Living and Thriving with Parkinson’s Disease in Our Black and African American Communities. Edited and compiled by Danielle Kipnis, Michele Lin, Hiral Shah, Lori Quinn and Anita Parker. Illustrations by Randell Pearson. Contributions by Alissa Pacheco, Chelsea Macpherson, and Elizabeth Delaney (2022).
7. Wani D, Chandrana A, Alomar J, Pacheco A, Macpherson C, Kipnis D, Fineman J, Rafferty M, Katus L, Shah H, Quinn L. Reliability and inherent variability of self-report physical activity measures among people with Parkinson Disease. (Accepted to Disability and Rehabilitation Journal, awaiting publication)
8. Macpherson C, Kempner K, King M, Kaplan, M, Pacheco A, Wani D, Kuo S, Quinn L. Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of a Pilot Telehealth Physical Activity Intervention in Degenerative Cerebellar Disease (Engage-Ataxia). (Accepted to Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy, awaiting publication).
1. A. Pacheco, K. Long, D. Kipnis, J. Alomar, C. Macpherson, D. Wani, L. Quinn. (2025, April 3-5).“Impact of Wearable Devices in a Physical Activity Coaching Program for People With Parkinson's Disease.” [Conference presentation abstract]. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
2. K. Long, A. Pacheco, L. Quinn, D. Wani, J. Alomar, D. Kipnis, C. Macpherson. (2025, April 3-5). “PreActive-PD Telehealth Coaching to Improve Self-management of Physical Activity Routines in early Parkinson Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” [Conference presentation abstract]. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
3. Wani D, Leung S, Chandrana A, Alomar J, Pacheco A, Macpherson C, Kipnis D, Fineman J, Quinn L. (2025, February 14).“Engage-PD, a Telehealth Coaching Program Increases Physical Activity Engagement in People with Parkinson Disease.” [Conference presentation abstract]. Combined Sections Meeting in Neurology/Degenerative Diseases SIG, Houston, TX.
4. A. Pacheco, K. Long, D. Wani, J. Alomar, D. Kipnis, C. Macpherson. L. Quinn. Role of Wearable Devices in a Physical Activity Coaching Program for People with Parkinson Disease [abstract]. Mov Disord. 2024; 39 (suppl 1).
5. K. Long, A. Pacheco, L. Quinn, D. Wani, J. Alomar, D. Kipnis, C. Macpherson. PreActive-PD Telehealth Coaching to Increase Physical Activity in Early-Stage Parkinson Disease: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial [abstract]. Mov Disord. 2024; 39 (suppl 1).
6. D. Kipnis, M. Lin, A. Pacheco, N. Mensah, Y. Gu, C. Macpherson, K. Kempner, A. Parker, RB. Coley, D. Coley, H. Shah, L. Quinn. Identifying Barriers and Facilitators to Accessing Care for Members of the Black Diaspora and Hispanic People Affected by Parkinson Disease: A Qualitative Study [abstract]. Mov Disord. 2024; 39 (suppl 1).
7. D. Wani, A. Chandrana, A. Pacheco, D. Kipnis, J. Alomar, C. Macpherson, J. Fineman, L. Quinn. A telehealth physical activity coaching program can maintain physical activity and exercise confidence in people with Parkison disease: a cohort study. [abstract]. Mov Disord. 2024; 39 (suppl 1).
8. Pacheco A, Kipnis D, Delfing, D., Toomer-Mensah, N., Macpherson, C. E., Rieger, J., Parker, A., Coley, R. B., Coley, D., Shah, H., &Quinn, L (2024, May 19-22). “Community-based participatory research approach to address healthcare disparities confronting members of the Black Diaspora with Parkinson’s disease.” [Conference presentation abstract]. International Association of Parkinsonism and Related Disorders World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.
9. Long K, Pacheco A, Quinn L. (2024, March 21-23) “Design and baseline characteristics of PreActive-PD telehealth coaching to increase physical activity in early-stage Parkinson’s Disease, a randomized control trial.” [Conference presentation abstract]. American Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
10. Shah H, Coley B, Coley D, Coplin C, Delaney E, Dillard V, Haye L, Huckabee A, Huckabee R, Kipnis D, Lin M, Macpherson C, Mensah N, Pacheco A, Parker A, Peacher-Ransom T, Pearson R, Ransom R, Smith K, Quinn L., (2023, July 4-7). “Using Story to Raise Awareness, Reach and Connect African American and Black individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease.” [Conference presentation abstract]. World Parkinsons Congress. Barcelona, Spain.
11. C. Macpherson, M.King, H. Shih, J. Rieger, J. Fineman, J. Reid, A. Pacheco, H. Shah, R. Alcalay, L. Quinn. Engage-PD: A Physical Activity Coaching Program via Telehealth for people with Parkinson’s Disease – Preliminary results a year after inception. [abstract]. Mov Disord. 2021; 36 (suppl 1).
Adjunct Faculty
Stacia Dyer, MS, OTR, CHT earned her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from Quinnipiac University and her post-professional certificate in ‘Hand & Upper Quarter Rehabilitation’ from Drexel University. She is also a certified hand therapist and certified lymphedema therapist. Stacia has worked as a clinical manager, staff occupational therapist, and senior occupational therapist at various Kessler Rehabilitation Centers since 2000. She has been an adjunct professor at Kean University teaching orthotics, prosthetics, and modalities since the beginning of 2023. She currently serves as a Clinical Specialist at Saint Claire’s Hospital and as a Hand Therapist at the Institute for Hand & Arm Surgery. She has co-authored two chapters on DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis and Carpometacarpal Osteoarthritis in “Therapeutic Programs for Musculoskeletal Disorders” by James F. Weiss and Amrish D. Patel. Stacia’s 20+ years of experience in overseeing the evaluation, planning, implementing, and modification of best-in-class treatment programs for the upper limbs and her commitment to ensuring optimal patient outcomes highlights her passion as an occupational therapist.
Kevin Nelson, OTR, SIPT is a certified, licensed occupational therapist within New Jersey. He graduated with honors from Kean University with a BS in Occupational Therapy in 2002. In 2016 Kevin completed his MS in Healthcare Management from The College of Saint Elizabeth. Kevin has obtained multiple certifications and trainings during his time as a clinician. During his time as a clinician, Professor Nelson has specialized in pediatrics, providing school-based, clinic-based, and early intervention services for children between the ages of 3 months to 21 years old. In addition to his vast array of experience in pediatrics, he also continues to provide medically based acute care OT for two local hospitals on a contract basis. Kevin believes that it is vital that he maintain his clinical skill set across the lifespan.
In addition to his work as a clinician, Kevin has developed a passion for education and training the future occupational therapists of the world. He has been teaching as an adjunct professor since 2005, and has taught an array of courses including Introduction to Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Seminar, and Occupations Across the Lifespan. During the course of his career Kevin has presented to parents, families, educators, directors, and administrators of school districts and private schools, and the New Jersey Association (NJEA) on a multitude of topics.
In June 2024, Kevin attained a personal goal by opening his own pediatric private practice. His practice provides child and family-driven occupational therapy services in daycares, preschools, homes, and his office space in Westfield, NJ. Kevin takes great pride in providing a warm environment where children can feel safe to be themselves, to explore their skills, and to challenge themselves.
Christine Bodzioch, MS OTR, CSRS, CBIS has been an occupational therapist since 2011. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Mathematics from Kean University in 2007. She then received her Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy from Kean University in 2011. Christine is currently a Clinical Specialist working at an Outpatient Rehab hospital for the past 11 years treating clients with neurological impairments including Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Parkinson's Disease, Vision, Spinal Cord Injury, and Cancer. Christine currently holds certifications as a Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist, Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Certified ReVital Cancer Rehabilitation Specialist, LSVT BIG certified, and PWR! Program Certified.
Christine is currently an adjunct professor teaching the Introduction to Occupational Therapy course at Kean University since 2017. Christine has guest lectured in Kean University’s Occupational therapy department since 2013. She also previously co-taught Adult Rehab Seminar. Christine is also a current member of AOTA and NJOTA.
In addition to her roles as an occupational therapist and educator, Christine enjoys being a daughter, sister, friend and a dog mom to her Siberian Husky Nala. Christine also enjoys reading, cooking, baking, gardening, bowling, and traveling.
John Rutledge, M.A.S. received his Master’s in Applied Statistics from the Pennsylvania State University in 2004. From 2005 – 2010, John worked as a Research Biostatistician in the Department of Public Health at the Weill Cornell Medical School in New York City. In this role, John provided statistical consultation and collaboration to clinical and lab investigators at the Medical School, the Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and the Hospital for Special Surgery. These investigators came from a wide array of specialties, including oncology, infectious disease, pharmacology, gastroenterology, pediatrics, and orthopedics. Since 2010, John has been a Research Biostatistician at the Valley Hospital in Paramus. He primarily collaborates with physicians in the oncology program but has more recently taken on the role of main statistical support for nurse researchers at the hospital. As a biostatistician, John’s areas of expertise are in study design, power analysis, data analysis, and clinical database management.
Kim Estrada, MS, OTR/L received her Master's of Science in Occupational Therapy at Seton Hall University in 2010 and has been a practicing clinician for the last 14 years. She started her OT career at Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation in Saddlebrook, where she specialized in working with clients with lower limb amputations, as well as orthopedic and neurological disorders. Since then, she's become well rounded in the field of OT as an inpatient rehabilitation therapist, home health practitioner, fieldwork supervisor, and manager of clinical practice. For the last nine years, she has enjoyed working as an adjunct professor in the OT department at Seton Hall University, teaching adult rehabilitation labs for graduate students. Professor Estrada has given presentations at state and national OT conferences and enjoys exploring the full scope of OT practice. For the last year, she has become a pelvic health specialist in a private outpatient setting, where she helps women with pelvic floor dysfunction thrive in their daily activities and achieve a greater quality of life.
In Kim’s spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and toddler, as well as family and friends. She likes cooking and baking, is active at her church, and enjoys singing and playing music.
Brocha Z. Stern, PhD, OTR, CHT is an occupational therapist and certified hand therapist with practice experience in outpatient adult physical rehabilitation. She graduated with a BA in psychology from Touro College in 2009, a Master of Occupational Therapy degree from Temple University in 2011, and a PhD from New York University in 2020. She is a health services and outcomes researcher at the Mount Sinai Health System in New York City and volunteers for several professional organizations. She currently teaches "Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Modalities." She identifies as a perpetual student and enjoys learning new things.
Addie Segal, OTD received her Bachelor's degree in occupational therapy at the Hebrew University of Jersualem in Israel in 2017 and her post-professional occupational therapy doctorate from Boston University in 2021. From 2009-2011 she served in the military as a tank instructor where she managed courses for combat soldiers and the training courses for instructors. She began practicing as an occupational therapist in 2017 at a rehabilitation center for veterans who had sustained brain injury. In 2017, she also practiced as a home-based occupational therapists for older adults experiencing cognitive disabilities due to neurological conditions. She currently works as a home-health occupational therapist for adults with physical and neurological disorders as well as an adjunct faculty in Kean Universty's Occupational Therapy Community Cares Clinic. Aside from being a practicing clinician, Dr. Segal also served as a mentor for students from underrepresented groups in Duke University's entry level OTD program from 2021-2023. Dr. Segal's current research addresses technology trends among occupational therapists.
Sophie Goloff, OT, CHT is an experienced certified hand therapist, working full-time for 7 years including 5 years at the HSS Hand and Upper Extremity Center. She is educated extensively within her professional career, teaching formal courses as well as mentoring Hand Therapy Fellows, Orthopedic Residency Fellows, and new therapists. She received her masters degree in occupational therapy at University of Wisconsin- Madison and is currently pursuing a PhD in occupational therapy at NYU, focusing on upper extremity movement and treatment outcomes. She has published in the American Journal of Hand Therapy and the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. She has participated as a member of the Research Division at ASHT since 2020, participating on various subcommittees and assisting with abstract selection for conferences. Sophie’s primary research interests include characterizing movement of the upper extremity, measuring treatment outcomes, accessibility, and injuries/injury prevention for the performing artist.
Sophie is involved with and a member of the American Occupational Therapy Association, the American Society for Hand Therapy, and the Performing Arts Medicine Association. In addition to full-time academia, she continues to provide hand therapy on a per diem basis at HSS and other clinics. She currently teaches "Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Modalities" at Kean University.
Jill Raychel, MS, OTR is a board certified and licensed occupational therapist in New Jersey. She is a Kean alumnus who graduated with a BA in Psychology in 2011 and an MS in Occupational Therapy in 2015. Following graduation, Professor Raychel obtained a part-time contract (non-permanent) position as the sole occupational therapist in the behavioral health department at RWJ Barnabas Health - Somerset Campus. This department consists of adult acute inpatient psychiatry as well as the well-known specialized eating disorders program.
During her 6 1/2 years at RWJ, Professor Raychel was able to advocate for occupational therapy’s role in the mental health setting, resulting in the successful expansion of the occupational therapy department & proving the inherent value of OT in this setting. Professor Jill Raychel worked closely with adolescents and adults affected by a wide range of eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder and avoidant-restrictive food intake disorder through individual and group intervention methods. Professor Jill Raychel also provided community readiness assessments and group interventions for adults receiving mental health treatment on a voluntary or involuntary basis. She is also an experienced guest lecturer and fieldwork educator. She currently works as an adjunct at Kean University and teaches "Seminar in Psychosocial Practice" – OT 6920.
To continue her passion in providing mental health OT services for children, teens and adults, Professor Raychel started her own private practice in 2019 and continues to serve clients. When she is not working, Professor Raychel enjoys spending time (especially outdoors) with her husband, two young children and extended family.
Nina Britz, MS, OTR/L, currently works at the Kean Community Cares Clinic at Kean University and acts as a fieldwork supervision adjunct. Nina obtained her masters degree in occupational therapy at NYU, Steinhardt School of Education. She has worked as a pediatric occupational therapist for over 17 years. Her most recent scholarly activities include a co-presenter/ content creator at Executive Functions for School Success on 01/2015 and a presenter/ creator at Learning Support for Children with Sensory Processing Differences on 07/24.
Kelly Brigley, MS, OTR/L, earned her masters degree in occupational therapy at Sacred Heart University and has over 5 years of clinical experience. Kelly is PAM (Physical Agent Modality) certified and Handwriting Without Tears certified. Kelly is currently a practicing occupational therapist at Kean Community Cares Clinic and is a fieldwork II educator. She also teaches OT 65962*01 Advanced Fieldwork I. Kelly has past experience in Inpatient Neurological Rehab (4+ years), Pediatrics - Sensory Integration (1 year), Home care – Geriatrics (2 years), and School-based OT (1 year).