College of Science, Mathematics and Technology News and Events
CSMT News and Events

Mahmoud Affouf, Ph.D., School of Mathematical Sciences Collaborates on Sleep Study

Mahmoud Affouf, Ph.D., from the School of Mathematical Sciences worked with sleep researchers from three schools - Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and Australia’s Monash University on this sleep study. The study used data (smartphone) and analyzed three million nights’ worth of individuals’ sleep patterns before and after the pandemic.
Kean News Article: It's Official: During the Pandemic, We're Sleeping In (Mar 08, 2021)
NIH - National Library of Medicine - link to the study:
Estimated Sleep Duration Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Major Metropolitan Areas on Different Continents: Observational Study of Smartphone App Data
School of Computer Science and Technology students participated & took home first-place honors at Great MInds STEM (GMiS) competition (located at half way point of article)
Drone Training at the Skylands Campus (Kean report/Video)
The Return of Face-to-Face Classes at Kean University (an article from The Tower)
The Tower writer Emily Robles in this article reports on the experiences of some students/faculty who have returned to Campus this Fall. Biology Professor Sara Maass-Meyer is among those who have returned to campus to teach in person labs to students. As The Tower reports, "....although her lectures are all remote, Maass-Meyer is teaching two biology courses with optional in person lab sessions."

George Hennings Research Wing
The George Hennings Research Wing in the The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics and Technology has been completed. See completed photos and photos while under construction.
Some Students Return to Union Campus for classes
Some of the Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics and Technology returned today- September 21st - to the Union campus where some face-to-face and hybrid began today. Signage, thermometers, "Cougar Care" stickers alerting you where not to sit will be some changes apparent on campus, but there with the intent towards helping you keep safe.
Spring 2020
Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics and Technology Participates in Research Days 2020

Explore this news item to find information specific to faculty and student involvement in Kean Research Days 2020 in our College.
Lunch with the Dean (for Accepted students)

On Saturday April 25th, an Office of Admissions event was held - Lunch with the Dean-Dr. George Chang. Over one hundred accepted students attended this lunch meeting held via Zoom, while enjoying pizza delivered to the home of these students.
Executive Directors, Faculty and Staff were present and in Breakout rooms to met with and answer questions of prospective students. Read more about the event .
Kean University switches to Remote Education as the country deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. (While this news item was about March 2020 changes in academic delivery, this page has been updated to reflect the current dates and situation)
College Renamed
The College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences to be renamed The Dorothy and George Hennings College of Science, Mathematics and Technology; [Kean News item]
CNAHS Faculty/Staff/Alumni Inducted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi

The Kean University Chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi had the 2019 Induction ceremony and Luncheon at the Ruth Horowitz Alumni House located on the East Campus of Kean University.
The College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences were among those recognized. ...Read more about each of the three CNAHS faculty members ...
Fall 2019
Chemistry Faculty and Students attend Baekeland Symposium
Yeung-Gyo Shin, Ph.D and Adriana Firooznia, Ph.D, faculty members in the Department of
Chemistry/Physics, recently attended the 2019 Baekeland Award Symposium at FDU, Florham
Park. Some upper level students from their Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry classes were
also able to attend.
The highlight of the Symposium is the presentation of the Baekeland Award, which was
established in September 1944 by the North Jersey Section of the American Chemical Society.
According to the North Jersey American Chemical Society Website, the Baekeland Award is
given “in recognition of accomplishments in pure or applied chemistry to an US-based chemist
as characterized by the initiative, creativeness, leadership, and perseverance of the individual
(indicated by published or unpublished evidence)…” and who are under the age of 40.
In addition to the presentation of the award, the symposium included scientific lectures by five
speakers (including the recipient) who described exciting new developments and innovative
research in various areas of chemistry. The Baekeland Symposium brings scientists from
industry and academia, as well as students together and provides them an opportunity to learn
from and interact with leading scientists.
This was a fantastic opportunity for both our students and faculty to be exposed to some of the
most recent advances in multiple fields of research and to network with faculty who were in
search of promising potential graduate students for their research groups.

American Chemical Society North Jersey Section 2019 Baekeland Award Symposium
Second Fall 2019 Open House / Majors EXPO held

On November 3rd Kean University held it's second Undergraduate Open House of the Fall 2019 semester. Dean George Chang presented during the Meet the College in the North Avenue Academic Building Auditorium & the College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences was there to speak with interested students and families in the lobby afterwards and also at the the Majors and University EXPO which was held in the Miron Student Center.
CNAHS participates in Major/Minor EXPO for Kean Students
In October The College of Natural Sciences, Nursing and Mathematics participated in the Major/Minor Expo that was held in the Downs Hall on the Union Campus. Students could explore information on majors/minors from across the University.
Graduate Student Julia Annuzzi wins Award at MACUB
Julia Annuzzi won second place in Environmental Biology,Ecology for a poster -"Sample preparation for metabarcoding:how to reduce false-positive results" at the #MACUB Undergraduate Research Conference. Julia did her research in Dr.Shumskaya's Applied Genomics Lab.

Graduate Student Gina Moretti Wins MACUB Award
Graduate student Gina Moretti won first place in Developmental Biology and Genetics for her presentation on Analysis of the mps1-PP1 Interaction in vivo at the 52nd #MACUB Undergraduate Research Conference. Gina is doing her research in Dr. Manheim’s Drosophila Lab.

CNAHS well represented at first 2019 Fall Spring Open House and EXPO

On September 28th Kean held the first Open House of the Fall semester. Presentations were given in the NAAB building and faculty and staff were available during the EXPO to speak to interested students and their families. We had representatives from all of our colleges.
College of Computer Science and Technology
College or Environmental and Sustainability Science
College of Mathematical Sciences
College of Natural, Applied and Health Sciences
Prof. Shumskaya presented at the International Dead Wood course at Voronezhsky State Biosphere Reserve, Russia.
Maria Shumskaya, Ph.D., School of Natural Sciences has returned from a successful trip to Russia where she participated as a program assistant at the International Dead Wood course, where she presented and overall assisted with the program.
Read more:
Photo credit: Anna Sapelnikova
November 13, 2020
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
New Jersey Big Data Alliance 7th Annual Symposium – Virtual
Big Data: Ethical Challenges in the Age of Covid-19
Hosted by Kean University
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