Worlds of History
This is the home site for the GE history course, HIST1062 Worlds of History - this course is required for all Kean students--with exceptions--in order to complete graduation requirements.
Also see the World History Program page for more information. (The World History Center is located in room Townsend 107).
Notice the menu at the left. It tells you all the things you can find on this site.
If at any time you have questions with this course, you can contact either the course coordinator, Dr. Sue Gronewold, at
On the importance humanities/history training:
Be "A Speaker of Words and a Doer of Deeds: Literature and Leadership"
Course Goals
This course reflects our thinking about what is important for us to know about history. In the complicated world of today, we at Kean think it is vitally important that we are all aware of how global forces act and interact with our local and larger communities, both now and in the past.
Here is the formal course description which sums up our goals for this course: [Worlds of History is] "an introduction to the history of world civilizations which gives students an understanding of the major developments in human civilization over the last millennia, encourages them to think historically by studying human change critically and analytically as it relates to the relationship of the past to both the present and the future." And here are some of the other goals we have for this course:
- to look at the interplay between traditions and encounters
- to explore how globalism interacts with and the history of the environment, state and society, commerce, religion, and questions of identity from antiquity to the present
- to engage critically with primary documents as pieces of historical evidence
- to develop effective and eloquent written and oral communication skills by developing clearly stated and well-reasoned historical arguments
- to develop a greater sense of the different ways it means to be human as individuals and as part of communities that have lived and interacted and changed over space and time
Course Responsibilities
here are a number of policies and services everyone should be familiar with and that should be on every syllabus. Here is a template from VPAA to be used for every Kean syllabus:
- For the University's policy on integrity, especially plagiarism:
- The History Department has its own plagarism policy which you can find on the department website:
- To find out Kean's policy on appropriate conduct:
- The Students Rights and Responsibilities handbook is available at:
- For announcements about emergencies and changes in the class schedule, all students and faculty should register at
Now that our housekeeping is taken care of, let's turn to how to do world history at Kean!