Steps to Seek Pregnancy-Related Modification
Step 1: Identify what you need
If you are faced with a challenging condition, remember that your symptoms and needs are not always apparent to professors and school administrators. The first step is to think about your condition and the ways that the institution can help accommodate you so that you can continue your studies.
Step 2: Ask for assistance
Ask for assistance from your professors or Kean University's Title IX Coordinator. All institutions are required to have a Title IX Coordinator who ensures that pregnant and postpartum students get the modifications they need.
Step 3: Documentation
The university may ask for documentation of your health needs. Any documentation requested must be both reasonable and necessary. According to Department of Education guidance, it is not acceptable to ask for documentation when:
- The need is obvious. For example, if you are pregnant and need a different uniform.
- The student has already provided enough documentation.
- The information requested is only to confirm pregnancy.
- Other students are provided the change you want without submitting documentation.
- The adjustment requested is for:
- carrying and drinking water
- a bigger desk
- sitting or standing
- taking breaks to eat, drink, or use the restroom
- lactation breaks and space
Typically, faculty should not be requesting medical documentation on their own. If you have received a request for information that you aren’t comfortable with, reach out to The Office of Affirmative Action and your Title IX Coordinator, Catricia Shaw (908) 737-5983. Know that if you do submit information, anything personally identifiable can only be disclosed in limited circumstances and can never be shared to retaliate against you.
Step 4: Work with your school to identify appropriate accommodations
A school must consider your request for accommodation promptly and in good faith. You and your Title IX Coordinator, or other representative, must be willing to engage in an interactive process to determine the best way to accommodate your pregnancy-related needs. You may need to have several discussions to determine an appropriate adjustment.
The accommodation you receive must be tailored to your specific needs and give you an opportunity to succeed in the program that is equal to the opportunity given to other students. However, Kean University is not required to offer accommodation that would be “unreasonable” because it changes the very nature of your programs or academic standards.
If you have questions about what is reasonable, consider contacting a trusted mentor, or call us. Remember, even if the University doesn’t agree to provide your first-choice modification, officials must still work with you to set up other changes to meet your needs. And no one can be forced to use an academic modification that they don’t want. For example, you cannot be forced to take leave or drop classes if you do not want to.
Step 5: Accommodations granted
Once you have agreed to a reasonable modification, the Title IX office will either inform your professors of your accommodations or give you the resources to do so. Often the office will provide a letter notifying professors that they must provide accommodations.