Policies, Guidelines & Forms
Post-Award Forms
Award Support Forms
Award Meeting Kick-Off Checklist
Cost Center Request (Internal Post-Award)
Cost Share Commitment Form (Pre-Award)
Request a student participant stipend (non-service) form
Authorization for the Purchase of Gift Cards/Gift Certificates
Effort Reporting
Non-Teaching Contracts
Full-time Faculty Non-Teaching Contact Request
Adjunct Faculty Non-Standard Contract Request Form - Submitted to Solman Ahmed, Managing Assistant Director in the Provost's Office
Note: Use Object Code 5113 (adjunct) on the form
HR Support Forms
Onboarding Student Researchers
Internal & External Grant-Funded Student & Part-time Staff Hiring form
Note: When hiring graduate students for research ALL of the following forms must be submitted to HR - Makenzie Carty cartyma@kean.edu
- Candidate's resume
- Candidate's application
- Academic Specialist job description (Created by PI)
- Rationale Academic Specialist (Created by PI)
- Academic Specialist Contract
- Authorization to Hire Form
Procurement Support Forms
To receive reimbursement for a personal credit card purchase, you must obtain prior approval from both the ORSP VP and CFO, Stephany Villalta, at svillalt@exchange.kean.edu.
Steps to Process Your Reimbursement:
- After receiving approval, use your credit card to purchase as usual.
- Keep the receipt from the transaction to attach in ESM.
Vendor Setup (if you are not already a vendor in ESM):
- Complete a W-9 form with your information.
- Email the completed W-9 form to Patricia A. Bontempo at pbontemp@kean.edu to request vendor setup in ESM.
- Include your contact information (email and phone number) in the email.
- Allow 24 hours for the vendor setup to be processed.
Reimbursement Voucher:
- Complete a reimbursement voucher form.
- Email the completed voucher to CFO Stephany Villalta at svillalt@exchange.kean.edu for approval.
ESM Final Submission:
- The departmental administrative assistant will complete the final submission in ESM.
- Ensure the submission includes:
- CFO approval.
- Receipt(s).