Facilities and Campus Planning
Contact Information and Hours of Operation
Below is the current hours of operation and contact information for Facilities and Campus Planning.
Contact: Steven Remotti, Vice President, Facilities & Campus Planning
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (908) 737-5000
After Hours, Weekend & Facilities Emergencies: (908) 737-5023
About Facilities and Campus Planning
Campus improvements benefit students, faculty and the entire Kean community.
From its modest beginnings in Newark more than 150 years ago to the bustling 150-acre campus it calls home today, Kean has grown physically and academically to become one of the finest public institutions of higher education in New Jersey.
The strength, viability and energy of the university are palpable throughout the campus. In recent years, Kean has transformed its buildings and services into a dynamic community replete with state-of-the-art facilities to support academic excellence and cutting-edge research. Today, Kean ranks as the third largest public university in the state. More than 16,000 undergraduate and graduate students study a broad range of disciplines here each year, utilizing the expertise and resources of a diverse faculty and campus community.
Facilities and Campus Planning uses a cloud-based software application called School Dude - Maintenance Direct.
You can access and fill out a work request from any web-capable device, from any location. This includes your classroom, office or even home. Once you complete the request form, you will receive email updates regarding its status. You will also be able to track each work order you enter from the request website. This provides transparency and eliminates the need for phone calls, emails and trips to the office to check on your requests.
To learn more, read the step-by step guide which walks you through the process of completing a request when you need maintenance to be completed.
School Dude products allow us to coordinate, track, report and manage our University maintenance operations.
Facilities online work order request
Electric Vehicle Charging
As of September 2022, Kean University invites all students, faculty, staff and guests to charge their electric vehicles on campus!
The six (6) ChargePoint charging stations are located in the Morris Avenue parking lot directly in front of Hutchinson Hall. There are six (6) van-accessible reserved spaces for charging electric vehicles.
Pricing Information
Kean is providing students, faculty and staff with up to four consecutive hours of free charging per day. If your vehicle remains at the charging station longer than four (4) hours, a fee of $4 per hour will be charged.
Guests are welcome to charge at a rate of $0.25 per kWh for up to four (4) consecutive hours. If the vehicle remains at the charging station longer than four (4) hours, the owner will be charged $4 per hour.