Bridge to Success Program (BTS)
Bridge to Success
The mission of the Bridge to Success Program is to provide support for higher education and academic success to students matriculated at Kean University. Freshman applicants who do not fully meet University admission requirements, but show a potential to succeed, are admitted by the Undergraduate Admissions Office into the Bridge to Success Program.
Counselor Internship Experience
The Counselor Education Department at Kean University has partnered with the Bridge to Success Program to provide counseling support to our students. Students are required to meet with counselor interns on an individual basis as well as attend small group roundtables, workshops and special meetings.
Personal and Social Counseling
Although the University has a counseling center on campus, we find it critical to offer assistance to our students by completing the following:
- Providing an assessment program to identify student needs.
- Offering appropriate services and referrals based on student needs.
- Providing individual and group counseling in the area of personal and interpersonal relationships.
- Providing structured counseling services for personal, academic and professional development.
Maintaining cooperative relationships with Human Resources, Counseling Center, Cougar Connections Center for Social Work, Office of Accessibility Services and Health Services.
Academic Advisement
The goals in this area are:
- Respond to the academic and nonacademic needs of individual students.
- Develop individual Academic Development Plans for students, which assists in meeting their major or career aspirations.
- Develop curricula that ensure that students complete their developmental requirements within their first three semesters and their General Education requirements within the first four semesters.
- Provide advisors with data about students’ academic needs, classroom performance, aspirations and developmental concerns.
- Develop interventions associated with academic departments and deans.
Career Counseling
Kean University wants its graduates to be employed after graduation. Career Counseling is one of the vital components geared towards this initiative.
- Maintain a cooperative relationship with the Office of Career Services and Placement.
- Assist students to make informed career decisions.
- Assist students in setting short- and long-term goals.
- Encourage students to declare majors by the end of their sophomore year.
- Encourage students to continue their education beyond the undergraduate level.
- Audit students’ academic progress in keeping with major department requirements.
- Write letters of recommendation for students.
- Attend annual career open houses offered by the University.