Admissions (MGC)
Whether applying through the CommonApp, the Kean University application, or if you are a current KU student applying to change your major, a portfolio of original, creative work is required for entry into the Michael Graves College. Apply.
Enrollment to the college is limited and competitive.
Contact the main offices for more information.
Robert Busch School of Design Main Office: 1-908-737-4740
School of Public Architecture Main Office: 1-908-737-0560
Once the application is submitted, instructions for uploading the portfolio are sent through email notification. In addition, see below for an overview of the portfolio submission guidelines.
The Michael Graves College requires a portfolio of creative work to be evaluated for acceptance into the architecture and design programs. Students are expected to be prepared and have experiences and knowledge in the visual arts in order to gain entrance to the rigorous programs of study for the BA, BFA, and BID degrees.
- A minimum of 10 individual pieces of creative work and no more than 12 will be accepted into the review. All images must be in the individual file uploads; please do not combine multiple items into a single file unless you are displaying the details of one individual work or a sketchbook.
- Your best work should display your creative thinking and skill in basic design and drawing. Select examples in a variety of media and subject matter.
- You may include items created on your own or while in school. All items shown must be your own, original creative work.
- An essay or Q&A are also required. Prompts for the essay or questions are noted in the application portal.
- Visualization: Effective sketching and drawing skills
- Visual Form: Effective use of visual elements and principles of design
- Technical: Effective use of traditional art media and/or digital media
- Creativity: Unconventional and/or unique solutions
- Presentation: Variety and range in the selection of creative work
- Professionalism: Maturity and thoughtfulness of Written requirements
- APPLY HERE External Applicants
School of Public Architecture Admissions Deadlines
Admissions Timeline & Deadlines:
January 15 - All applicants are required to submit Transcript, Statement, 2 Letters of Recommendation
and Portfolio to the online portal as instructed.
February 1 to February 15 - Selected candidates will be invited to meet members of the MGC SoPA
Admissions Committee for a Portfolio Interview.
March 1 - Successful candidates will be notified of their Acceptance into the MGC SoPA Master of
Architecture Program.
April 15 - Successful candidates then need to Deposit and Register on or before April 15 th , in order to be
moved from the Wait List and reserve their placement in the incoming cohort Year.
Admissions Timeline & Deadlines:
February 15 - All applicants are required to submit Transcript, Statement and Portfolio online portal here no
later than the Priority Deadline of February 15.
March 1 to March 15 - Selected candidates will be invited to meet members of the MGC SoPA
Admissions Committee for a Portfolio Interview.
April 1 - Successful candidates will be notified of their Acceptance into the MGC SoPA BA in
Architectural Studies Program.
May 1 - Successful candidates then need to deposit on or before May 1, in order to secure their
placement in the incoming cohort Year.
August 1 – Waitlist notifications of availability.
Admissions Timeline & Deadlines:
May 1 - All applicants are required to submit Transcript, Statement and Portfolio to online portal as instructed by priority.
deadline of May 1. Applications received after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis based on program capacity.
June 1 - Selected candidates will be invited to meet members of the MGC SoPA Admissions Committee
for a Portfolio Interview commencing June 1.
June 30 - Successful candidates will be notified of their Acceptance into the MGC SoPA BA in
Architectural Studies Program beginning on June 30.
July 15 - Successful candidates then need to Deposit and Register on or before July 15, in order to
reserve their placement in the incoming cohort Year. Once capacity is reached, accepted students will
be moved to waitlist.
August 1 – Waitlist notifications of availability.
Admissions Timeline & Deadlines:
Deadline of May 1 - All applicants are required to submit their Portfolio attached as one folder to email address.
May 1 - Applications received after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis based on program capacity.
June 1 - Selected candidates will be invited to meet members of the MGC SoPA Admissions Committee for a Portfolio Interview commencing June 1.
June 30 - Successful candidates will be notified of their Acceptance into the MGC SoPA BA in Architectural Studies Program beginning on June 30.
July 15 - Successful candidates then need to Deposit and Register on or before July 15, in order to reserve their placement in the incoming cohort Year. Once capacity is reached, accepted students will be moved to waitlist.
August 1 – Waitlist notifications of availability.