Lucas Kirby, Ph.D.
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- B.A. Biology, NYS Provisional Certification in Secondary Education, Le Moyne College 2005
- M.S. Fish and Wildlife Biology and Management, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry 2009
- Ph. D. Ecology, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry 2013
- *Moose, R., D. Schigel, L. Kirby, M. Shumskaya. 2019. Dead wood fungi in North America: an insight into research and conservation potential. Nature Conservation. 32:1-17.
*Undergraduate student
- Kirby, L.J., S.L. Johnson, and N.H. Ringler. 2016. Diel and seasonal movements and home range estimation of walleye (Sander vitreus) within a no-take urban fishery, Onondaga Lake, Syracuse, NY. The Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 32(1):49-64.
- Kirby, L.J. and N.H. Ringler. 2015. Associations of epiphytic macroinvertebrates within four aquatic macrophyte assemblages in a recovering urban lake. Northeastern Naturalist. 22(4):672-689.
- Murphy, M.H., C.J. Gandino, N.H. Ringler, L.J. Kirby, S.L. Johnson. 2015. Fish community changes following reductions of nutrient inputs from a wastewater treatment plant (Onondaga Lake, New York). Lake and Reservoir Management. 31(4):247-358.