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Kean University


  • Ph.D., Counselor Education and Supervision, Liberty University 
  • M.A., Mental Health Counseling, Alliance University 
  • B.A., Psychology, Hofstra University

Courses Taught

  • CED 5965 Introduction to Family Counseling
  • CED 5966 Advanced Counseling Skills
  • CED 5972 Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • CED 5975 Career Counseling and Development
  • CED 5980 Practicum in Counseling
  • CED 5985 Internship in Counseling I
  • CED 5986 Internship in Counseling II
  • CED 5989 Clinical Supervision
  • CED 7989 Advanced Clinical Supervision

Research Interests

Dr. Vinces-Cua’s research interests include clinical supervision and training, wellness frameworks that incorporate values, and leadership and advocacy. My current research focuses on exploring minority father wellness in urban communities with the Wellness Exploration for Lifetime Learning (WELL) Research Team.


Dr. Jennifer Vinces-Cua is an assistant professor for the Counselor Education department at Kean University with nearly 20 years of experience as a counselor, supervisor, and clinical consultant and trainer. Her clinical training and work have been in the Multisystemic therapy model, an intense, family-focused and community-based treatment program. She supported the development of community mental health programs both domestically and internationally through systemic and stakeholder collaboration and advocacy efforts with court, child welfare, probation, governmental funding entities and mental health treatment providers. Her professional career of service, and curriculum and program development for families and children led to her national recognition by the American Counseling Association as the 2022 Don Dinkmeyer Social Interest award recipient. She is passionate about the teaching and training of professional counselors in training, counselors, and allied professionals. She currently serves as board member for the Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) and as the chair of the Spiritual and Religious Values committee, chair of the Membership committee for the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (NARACES). She has served as co-faculty advisor for the Kappa Upsilon Nu chapter of the Chi Sigma Iota Professional Honor Society International (CSI) at Kean. 

Selected Publications

Vinces-Cua, J., & Davila, Z. (Fall 2023 & Spring 2024). Social justice advocacy, six domains of. In The Sage Encyclopedia of Multicultural Counseling, Social Justice, and Advocacy (Vol. 4, pp. 1433-1439). SAGE Publications, Inc.

Vinces-Cua, J. D., & Pulgar Guzman, C. A. (Fall 2023). Expanding access to the ASERVIC spiritual competencies through a Spanish translation. Counseling and Values, 68(2), 125-137.

Vinces-Cua, J. (2022, Fall). Series on the spiritual and religious values in counseling competencies: Assessment and diagnosis and treatment. Association for Spirituality, Ethical and Religious Values (ASERVIC) Fall 2022 Interaction Newsletter.

Vinces-Cua, J. & *Miller, K. (2022, Spring). Chapter relaunch efforts after high pandemic impact on the counselor education department. Chi Sigma Iota, Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International Spring 2022 CSI Exemplar Newsletter.