The College of Health Professions and Human Services

Breaking Stereotypes: Meet Mariah Laster, Kean’s Drag Racing Doctoral Student
Breaking Stereotypes: Meet Mariah Laster, Kean’s Drag Racing Doctoral Student
Step into the thrilling world of drag racing with Mariah Laster, a doctoral student in clinical and school psychology at Kean University, who races dragsters at over 200 mph. Learn how she merges her passions for psychology and racing, breaking barriers in a male-dominated sport.

Kean Counseling Center Receives Federal Grant for Domestic Violence Survivors Network
Kean Counseling Center Receives Federal Grant for Domestic Violence Survivors Network
The $500,000 Department of Justice grant is funding Kean’s new Survivors Empowerment and Education Network (SEEN), a campus-based support program for people impacted by domestic violence.

Kean Graduate Finds Her Calling in Public Health Advocacy for Marginalized Communities
Kean Graduate Finds Her Calling in Public Health Advocacy for Marginalized Communities
Janiah Fladger ’24 always envisioned having a career in health care when she was growing up, but it wasn’t until she arrived at Kean University that she found her true calling in public health and reproductive justice.