Jenna Tucker, PT, DPT

Accomplishments and Awards
- Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy (ABPTS)
- Certified Brain Injury Specialist (ACBIS)
- 2024 Recipient of the Kean University Faculty Research Mentor of the Year Award (Doctoral Faculty.
- 2023 Recipient of the Brain Injury Alliance of NJ "Jill Schulman Community Pillar Award”
- 2023 APTA CSM 3rd Place Poster Presentation from the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, Brain Injury Special Interest Group: “Assessing improvement in exercise intolerance due to suspected dysautonomia in protracted concussion recovery"
Courses Taught
- DPT 6020 Clinical Neuroscience
- DPT 6150 PT Management of the Nervous System I
- DPT 6151 PT Management of the Nervous System II
- DPT6190 Critical Analysis of Complex Patient Management
- DPT6100 Foundational Aspects of Physical Therapy Practice
- DPT6140 Electrotherapeutic Modalities in Physical Therapy
- DPT6230 Independent Study
- DPT6310/DPT6320 Clinical Grand Rounds
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that everyone is a student and we are all constantly learning from each other. I encourage students to always "be a sponge" because there is something to be learned from every experience and every person they meet. I also feel that it is incredibly valuable to bring real-life experience into the classroom to make didactic learning more accessible.
Selected Publications
Ziaks, L., Tucker, J.,Koc Jr., T., Dowdell, M.*, Giorello, G.*. (2024). “A Novel Approach to Integrative Concussion Rehabilitation: A Pragmatic Study”. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - International. (11) 1: 1222.
Nekola, L., Tucker, J., Locke, E., Chermak, E.*, Marshall, T. (2022). “Pediatric interprofessional education opportunities in entry-level doctor of physical therapy programs”. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 29, 100575.
Ziaks, L., Tucker, J., Koc, T., Hanson, K., Puxted, F.*. (2022) ”Measurement of improvement in exercise intolerance testing for suspected dysautonomia in protracted concussion recovery: A Retrospective Pilot Study”. Physiotherapy Theory & Practice. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2022.2121949
Tucker, J., Marshall, T., Beitscher, l., Mueller, K.*, Colucio, E.*, Koc Jr., T. (2022) “The Effect of Self-Reported Balance Confidence on Community Integration after Brain Injury: An Observational Study”. Brain Impairment, 1-10. doi:10.1017/BrImp.2022.9
Ziaks, L., Tucker, J., Koc, T., Schaefer, A.*, Hanson, K. (2022). “Identifying Trends of Dysautonomia Signs and Symptoms Associated with Protracted Concussion Recovery during the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test: A Retrospective Study”. Brain Impairment, 1-10. doi:10.1017/BrImp.2022.5
Enriquez, C., Tucker, J., Marshall, T., Gentile, J., Lee, J., McIntyre, K.*, Jeanty, S.*. (2022). “Targeted Scapular and Core Stabilization Exercises for Exercise-Induced Transient Abdominal Pain (ETAP). A Case Report”. Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy Cases. (2)1: 26-31. doi:10.2519/josptcases.2022.10497
Koc Jr, T., Tucker, J., Durante, C., Gotthold, S.*, Hasanovic, R.*, Marshall, T. Management of a Patient with Cavernous Malformation Surgical Repair at C7-T3: A Case Report. (2021). Rehabilitation Science. (6)4: 53-59. doi: 10.11648/
Markowski, A., Sanford, S., Pikowski,J., Fauvell, D., Cimino, D., Caplan, S. (2014). A Pilot Study Analyzing the Effects of Chinese Cupping as an Adjunct Treatment for Patients with Subacute Low Back Pain on Relieving Pain, Improving Range of Motion, and Improving Function. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine . 2013. 18: 1-5
Tucker, Jenna, Beitscher I., Koc, T., Fama, G.*, Patel, J.*, Friedman, H.* (2020). “Creative Therapeutic Interventions for Clinicians to Promote Physical Activity in Older Adults with a History of Brain Injury: A Viewpoint”. Physical Therapy Reviews. DOI: 10.1080/10833196.2020.1850164
Koc Jr., Thomas A., Marshall, T., Fama, G.*, Patel, J.*, Tucker, J. (2020). “Management of a Patient with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardic Syndrome, A New Perspective for the Physical Therapist: A Case Report”. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. (7)1: 1-4.