Edward S. Johnston

Prof. Edward S. Johnston studied at MICA and the University of Notre Dame before receiving an MFA from the Stamps School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan, where he shaped his creative practice involving extended reality and generative processes. His creative work has been screened, exhibited and published internationally through ACM SIGGRAPH, the Lumen Prize Exhibition in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom, XXI International Image Festival in Manizales, Columbia, Video Art Miden in Kalamata, Greece, the Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, and many other galleries and venues across the US. His work has been included in Olga Ast’s book Infinite Instances: Studies and Images of Time as well as several international publications and conference proceedings. He is the recipient of multiple grants and awards, including Kean University's Presidential Excellence Award for Distinguished Creative Work, Faculty Research Mentor of the Year Award, YAP Grants from the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, partly funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, Jean Paul Slusser Fellowships and more. Johnston has collaborated with researchers across disciplines to create visualizations and interactive environments. His collaborative Room of Echoes project at Liberty Hall Museum was recognized as a Fast Company Innovation by Design Award Honoree, and his co-direction of the Liberty Hall 360 VR experience was recognized with a NY Emmy Nomination and Viddy Platinum Award. He has been an invited TEDx speaker and presented at multiple universities and conferences, including the International Symposium on Electronic Art. To view his work, please visit: www.edwardsjohnston.com.