Daun T. Ward, Ed.D.
Daun T. Ward, Ed.D., is a Lecturer of Clinical Practice for the College of Education at the Kean Ocean campus. Her responsibilities include the instruction of courses aligned to the year-long clinical experience of student teaching in addition to the supervision of clinical practice students and interns.
Selected Publication
Werkman-Ward, Daun T., The Edtpa Implementation at an Urban Institution of Higher Education during New Jersey's First Consequential Semester of Clinical Intern Licensure and Credentialing in the Fall of 2017, New Jersey City University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2018. https://kean.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/dissertations-theses/edtpa-implementation-at-urban-institution-higher/docview/2151426288/se-2?accountid=11809