Adrienne Garro , Ph.D.
Adrienne Garro, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist who is a Professor in the Department of Advanced Studies in Psychology. She earned her Ph.D. in school psychology from Temple University, with a specialization in early childhood assessment and intervention, and she also has an extensive background and experience in the field of clinical child psychology. Dr. Garro is a teacher and trainer for both the PSYD Program in Combined School-Clinical Psychology and the School Psychology Professional Diploma (PD) Program and is the coordinator for the PD program. Dr. Garro’s recent work has focused on the use of mindfulness with school professionals and at-risk students, the development of online parenting supports and interventions, and researching quality of life and psychological flexibility in parents of children with chronic health conditions.
Courses Taught
- PSYD 7419 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
- PSY 7411 Human Exceptionalities- Social, Psychological and Educational Considerations
- PSYD 7010 School-Home-Community Consultation and Collaboration
- PSYD 5000 and PSYD 5001- Professional Seminar in School Psychology 1A and 1B- Roles and Functions of the School Psychologist Parts 1 and 2
- PSYD 7701 School-Clinical Practicum
Selected Publications
Garro, A., Giordano, K., Gubi, A., & Shortway, K. (2021). A consultation approach to target exclusionary discipline of students of color in early childhood education. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(1), 124-135.
Garro, A., Pess, R. & Rittenhouse-Young, N. (2019). Knowledge and perceptions related to evidence-based behavioral interventions among early childhood educators. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 3(2), 75-100.
Giordano, K., Garro, A., Rosen, G., & Gubi, A. (2017). Early childhood mental health and the school psychologist. Communique 46(3), 1 and 27-30.
McCarthy, C., Gubi, A., & Garro, A. (2017). A discussion on standardized testing, ESSA and public education in New Jersey. The New Jersey School Psychologist, Summer, 3-6.
Garro, A. (Ed.) (2016). Early childhood assessment in school and clinical child psychology. New York: Springer.