Aditi Vijay, Ed.M, Ph.D

Aditi Vijay, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Advanced Studies at Kean University. She earned a Master of Arts in the Teaching of Social Studies, a Masters in Education in Risk and Prevention, and a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. Dr. Vijay teaches classes in the clinical psychology doctoral program and the school psychology Professional Diploma program, provides clinical supervision and provides research mentorship. Her research interests are focused on the interpersonal context of emotion regulation. Current projects are in the areas of: 1) the dissemination and implementation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy; 2) the development and maintenance of trauma symptoms, and; 3) the relationship between ER, loneliness, and suicide. Dr. Vijay endeavors to include the principles of justice,equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) throughout clinical supervision and research practices.
Research Interests
My research focuses on emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic process. Contemporary conceptualizations of emotion regulation indicate that it is a multisystemic process which includes cognitive, neurobiology, mindfulness/increased awareness and behavioral components. All of this occurs within a specific context that also influences an individual’s ability to regulate their emotion. My work focuses on the interpersonal and social context of emotion regulation; how the environment impacts an individual’s capacity to regulate their emotions and subsequently impact quality of life. My research investigates the interpersonal and social context of emotion regulation in the areas of the dissemination and implementation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Trauma/Trauma-related distress, Burnout, and Antiracism in clinical work. Current projects include:
1) Burnout in DBT therapists; 2) Feasibility of a measure to improve the functioning of DBT Consultation teams; 3) Emotion regulation and rejection sensitivity in sexual assault survivors, and 4) Emotion regulation and loneliness.