Computer Assisted Visual Enhancement – Virtual Reality (CAVE-VR) technology is a disruptive and rapidly evolving technology that is revolutionizing the way we experience life and express our ideas. This technology uses high performance computing, mathematics and computer graphics to visualize and communicate complex concepts in science, art, design and engineering. In recent years, CAVE-VR has emerged as an increasingly important means of analyzing “Big Data”. Employers see CAVE-VR technology as an important tool and rising trend in data analytics, communications, art, entertainment, science and engineering.
With CAVE-VR, users can view and interact with virtual images in real time, (e.g., viewing a molecular structure at different angles) or manipulate these images as a means of problem solving. CAVE-VR enables scientists, engineers, artists, designers and educators to demonstrate methods or convey extremely complex ideas in 3-dimensional space. This includes semi-immersive and fully-immersive environments, in which users can visualize, analyze and discuss large data sets or theories in ways that were not feasible in the past. Experience CAVE-VR as part of your educational reality.