Watson/NFBPA-NJ Chapter Partnership
The John S. Watson of Public Policy and Research partners with the National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA) – NJ Chapter
The Watson Institute and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators of New Jersey (NFBPA-NJ) have partnered in mutual support of inclusive leadership and public service; with a formal agreement entered in 2023.
NFBPA-NJ is the foremost progressive organization dedicated to advancing Black public leadership in local and state governments. In addition, NFBPA NJ provides several opportunities for professionals to connect, collaborate, and build relationships across sectors.
Members of NFBPA-NJ get these exclusive benefits at Kean University:
- Discounted tuition for undergraduate and graduate programs (including public administration)
- Waived application fees
- Tailored support services
- Professional development programs
Visit www.nfbpa.org to learn more about the benefits of individual or organizational membership.
You’re invited to join the NFBPA-NJ today – a network of over 2,000 public and nonprofit sector leaders! Advancing Leadership Excellence in Public Service.
Questions? Please contact Juliana Gardiner, Membership Engagement Coordinator at addoak@kean.edu