Presidential Excellence Awards for Faculty, Staff and Students
Presidential Excellence Awards 2024
President Lamont O. Repollet, Ed.D., is pleased to announce that nominations for the 2024 Presidential Excellence Awards for Kean University's faculty, staff and students are now open. The awards are provided to stimulate and reward outstanding achievement and to enhance the reputation of Kean University as a center of academic excellence.
This year, up to 12 members of the faculty and staff as well as five students will be honored. The Kean University Foundation will award a $1,000 check to each selected employee in recognition of outstanding achievement in the areas of teaching, scholarship/research and service in alignment with the pillars of academic excellence, safety and equity.
Faculty and staff nominations should be made by completing the nomination form found here: Presidential Excellence Awards: Faculty/Staff Nominations by Friday, September 13, 2024. Additional documentation is also required from the nominee by Friday, September 27, 2024. Please note that self nominations are welcome.
The Kean University Foundation will award a $750 check to each selected student in recognition of outstanding achievement in the areas of leadership and service in alignment with the pillars of academic excellence, safety and equity.
Student nominations should be made by completing the form found here: Presidential Excellence Awards: Student Nominations by Friday, September 13, 2024. Additional documentation is also required from the nominee by Friday, September 27, 2024. Please note that self nominations are welcome.
All awards will be presented at a celebratory event for award recipients and retirees at the end of October. Each honoree will be invited to bring a guest with them.
Faculty Awards
Excellence Awards (Faculty- Tenured, Tenure Track, Adjunct and Lecturers)
- In Teaching (2 Awards: 1 Tenured Faculty, 1 non-tenured)
- Dr. Stephen Kubow Presidential Excellence Award for Service (2 Awards)
- In Research/Scholarship/Creative Work (2 Awards: 1 Tenured Faculty, 1 non-tenured)
Teaching Awards: Two awards will be made in recognition of two faculty members with at least two years of continuous service, whose outstanding teaching has made a positive impact on the quality of instruction and student life at the University.
Supporting Documentation from the nominee:
- A letter of application containing a statement of the candidate’s teaching philosophy and the way in which this philosophy is implemented in the classroom. The letter should specify the courses taught and indicate how the candidate’s approach to teaching has stimulated and enhanced student learning at Kean University.
- Candidates may also describe innovative approaches in instruction or to the teaching-learning process.
- A full set of student and peer or Executive Director evaluations collected within the past five years as part of any Kean University personnel process. (Candidates should ensure that their materials are uploaded in Interfolio and/or Campus Labs and the committee will access the files from those portals.)
Dr. Stephen Kubow Presidential Excellence Award for Service (2 Awards): Two awards will be made in recognition of faculty members with at least two years of service who have achieved distinction in one or more of the following areas:
- Service to the community, region or nation: for example, elective or appointed office; appointment to significant boards or commissions; leadership roles in voluntary, civic, educational or non-profit bodies.
- Service within a profession or discipline: for example, leadership in a professional or discipline-related organization; significant involvement in higher education associations or activities.
- Service to Kean University: for example, leadership over a period of several years in campus governance, departmental activities or other significant institutional initiatives.
Note: To be eligible for the award, the quality of service must be demonstrated to be of an unusual or exemplary nature, extending over a period of at least two years and encompassing a broad range of leadership functions and activities. The quality of service should extend well beyond what would normally be expected of a person in the same position. The applicant should demonstrate the ways in which his or her role in the organization has resulted in significant positive changes, innovations or improvements within the organization, on its members or on others affected by the work of that organization. This award is named after the beloved late Dr. Stephen Kubow, the recipient of the University’s 1st lifetime achievement award in recognition of his contributions to the Kean University community since 1993.
Supporting Documentation from the nominee:
- A one-to three-page narrative explaining the types of service undertaken by the applicant, describing the leadership role or roles and explaining the significance of the leadership role he or she has played.
- A current curriculum vitae.
- Supporting material relating to the service activities: e.g., letters, testimonials, certificates or other information.
Research/Scholarship/Creative Work Awards
Two awards will be made in recognition of one tenured and one untenured faculty member who has published a book, monograph or article of scholarly distinction in the past two years or who has demonstrated distinguished achievement in the fine or performing arts. Alternatively, the award may be made to recognize one tenured and one untenured faculty member whose scholarship in the past five years constitutes an exceptional contribution to his or her discipline.
Supporting Documentation from the nominee:
- A letter of application indicating whether the candidacy is based upon a single contribution to scholarly or creative activity during the past two years or upon a pattern of contributions over the most recent five-year period. The focus of the letter should be on delineating the significance of the scholarly or creative activity to the candidate’s discipline.
- A current curriculum vitae.
- A copy of the book(s), article(s) or monograph(s) that form the basis of the nomination. Candidates in the creative arts should provide copies of appropriate representations of their work and reviews of exhibits or performances.
Staff Awards
Dr. Stephen Kubow Presidential Excellence Award for Service
4 Awards (All Staff including CWA, non-teaching AFT, KUPD, Facilities)
2 Managerial (MAD, Director, AVP, VP etc.)
Six awards will be made in recognition of staff members who have achieved distinction in service to Kean University. The quality of service must be demonstrated to be of an unusual or exemplary nature, extending over a period of minimally 2 years. Such service may include, but is not limited to: student academic, financial, socioemotional and recreational advisement and assistance, safeguarding lives, property and wellbeing of all members of the University community, positive response to members of the campus community, enhancement of support for faculty and administrators and positive interactions within their respective unit and with other departments to accomplish goals.
Note: The quality of service should extend well beyond what would normally be expected of a person in the same position. The applicant should demonstrate ways in which his/her role has resulted in significant positive changes, innovations or improvements in service to Kean University. Managers are eligible for this award. This award is named after the beloved late Dr. Stephen Kubow, the recipient of the University’s 1st lifetime achievement award in recognition of his contributions to the Kean University community since 1993.
Supporting Documentation from the nominee:
- A formal letter including a one- to three-paragraph explanation of why they are deserving of the award.
- A brief history of work experience at Kean University (include dates of service).
- Supporting material relating to the service activities; e.g., letters, testimonials, certificates or other information.
Student Awards
Emerging Excellence in Student Leadership (1)
One award will be made in recognition of a Kean University undergraduate student with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA who has obtained at least 12, but not more than 55.5, undergraduate credits at the time of nomination, whose outstanding leadership has made a positive impact on the quality of campus life at the University through leadership in campus governance, recognized student groups, departmental activities or other significant institutional initiatives.
Note: To be eligible for the award, the quality of leadership must be demonstrated to be of unusual or exemplary nature and encompass a broad range of leadership functions and activities. The quality of leadership should extend well beyond what would normally be expected of a person in the same position. The applicant should demonstrate the way in which his or her role in the organization has resulted in significant positive changes, innovations and improvements within the organization, on its members or on others affected by the work of that organization.
Supporting Documentation:
- A one- to three-page narrative explaining the types of formal or informal leadership roles undertaken by the applicant and explaining the significance of the leadership role he or she has played within the campus community.
- An official Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT).
- Supporting material relating to the leadership activities: e.g., letters, testimonials, certificates or other information.
Excellence in Student Leadership (2)
Two awards will be made in recognition of Kean University undergraduate students with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA who have obtained at least 56 undergraduate credits and/or Kean University graduate students with at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA who have obtained at least 9 graduate credits at the time of nomination, whose outstanding established leadership has made positive impacts on the quality of campus life at the University through leadership over a period of time in campus governance, recognized student groups, departmental activities or other significant institutional initiatives.
Note: To be eligible for the award, the quality of leadership must be demonstrated to be of unusual or exemplary nature and encompass a broad range of leadership functions and activities. The quality of leadership should extend well beyond what would normally be expected of a person in the same position. The applicant should demonstrate the way in which his or her role in the organization has resulted in significant positive changes, innovations and improvements within the organization, on its members or on others affected by the work of that organization.
Supporting Documentation:
- A one- to three-page narrative explaining the types of formal or informal leadership roles undertaken by the applicant and explaining the significance of the leadership role he or she has played within the campus community.
- An official Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT).
- Supporting material relating to the leadership activities: e.g., letters, testimonials, certificates or other information.
Excellence in Service (2)
Two awards will be made in recognition of Kean University undergraduate students with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA who have obtained at least 29 undergraduate credits and/or Kean University graduate students with at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA who have obtained at least 9 graduate credits at the time of nomination, whose outstanding volunteer and service efforts have made positive impacts to the local, regional, national or global community resulting in the accumulation of at least 20 Kean University validated community service hours.
Note: To be eligible for the award, the quality of volunteerism and service must be demonstrated to be of unusual or exemplary nature and encompass a broad range of service functions and activities. The quality of volunteerism and service should extend well beyond what would normally be expected of a person in the same position. The applicant should demonstrate the way in which his or her role in the initiative(s) has resulted in significant positive changes, innovations and improvements within the local, regional, national or global community or on others affected by the work of that organization.
Supporting Documentation:
- A one- to three-page narrative explaining the types of service undertaken by the applicant and explaining the significance of the role he or she has played within the initiative(s).
- An official Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT).
- Supporting material relating to the service activities: e.g., letters, testimonials, certificates or other information.
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Announcement of 2024 Presidential Excellence Awards
Friday, September 13, 2024
Nomination window closes
Friday September 27, 2024
Supplementary documents are due to committee
Friday, October 11, 2024
Committee completes their review
Friday, October 11, 2024
Committee sends suggestions to President
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
President accepts and announces 2024 honorees
Honorees and 1 guest invited to the President’s Excellence Awards and Retirees Celebration at the end of October.