University Dictionary
Academic Calendar | The academic calendar provides an outline of essential dates and deadlines for each academic term. Academic programs and administrative departments may have additional important dates and deadlines that are not included in this list. |
Academic Career | A Kean University student's undergraduate, graduate and/or professional studies educational path or trajectory. |
Academic Dismissal | Deteremined by a committee, this is an involuntary termination of a student's enrollment at Kean University due to unsatisfactory academic performance or failure to meet academic standards. |
Academic Level | A categorization of a student's progress within their academic program, often indicating their year of study (e.g., freshman, sophomore, junior, senior for undergraduate programs). |
Academic Load | The number of credit hours or courses a student is enrolled in during a particular academic term. Refer to full-time and part-time definitions for more specific criteria. |
Academic Probation I | A status assigned to a student who fails to meet the minimum academic requirements at Kean for one semester. |
Academic Probation II | A status assigned to a student who fails to meet the minimum academic requirements at Kean for a second consecutive semester. |
Academic Program | A specific course of study leading to a degree or certification from Kean including a major or concentration. |
Academic Rank | A designation indicating a student's standing relative to their peers based on academic performance or achievements. |
Academic Standing | The status of a student in relation to their academic progress and adherence to institutional standards. |
Academic Term | At Kean University, there are 15-week academic terms and first-half 8-week academic terms and seocnd-half 8-week academic terms. |
Accrediting Agency | An external organization responsible for evaluating and accrediting educational institutions and individual academic programs based on established standards of quality and effectiveness. For specifics, please refer to the Office of Accredidation and Assessment. |
ACT | An abbreviation for the American College Testing, a standardized test used for college admissions in the United States, assessing students' readiness for college-level coursework. |
Active Student | A student at Kean University who is currently enrolled and participating in academic activities and/or, in accordance with National Clearinghouse timing, has been currently enrolled in the last two years and has not graduated or withdrwan from the insittuion. |
Address | The location where a student resides or can be reached, typically including street address, city, state, and zip code. |
Admit Term | The specific term or semester for which a student is admitted or accepted to start their academic program at Kean Univeristy. |
Admit Type | The classification or category of admission status for a student, such as freshman, transfer, or international student. |
Admitted Student | A student who has been officially accepted for enrollment into an academic program at Kean. |
Age | The number of years a person has lived, often used for demographic and administrative purposes. |
Alumni/a/us | Individuals who have graduated from Kean University. |
American Indian | A member of one of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, often used for demographic identification and cultural recognition. |
Applicant | An individual who has submitted an application for admission to Kean. |
Application Number | A unique identifier assigned to each application submitted by an applicant for admission. This number is different than the Student ID. |
Asian | Individuals with origins or ancestry from the continent of Asia. |
Asynchronous Online | Allows Kean students to learn course materials online each week at their own pace and schedule |
Audit | Official financial examination of an individual or organization's accounts |
Awarded Aid | Financial assistance, such as grants, scholarships, or loans, provided to a student to help cover the cost of their education at Kean University. |
Bachelor's Degree | An undergraduate academic degree awarded by Kean upon completion of a specific course of undergraduate and/or graduate study. |
Beneficiary | An individual who recieves GI-Bill® education benefits. |
Birthdate | The calendar day in which an individual was birthed |
Black or African American | The ethnicity of an individual or group of students of Black racial groups in Africa |
Bridge to Success Counselor | A staff member assigned to students in the Bridge to Success Program. Students work with their assigned Bridge to Success counselor from enrolment through graduation. |
Calendar Year | Timeframe of one year that begins January 1st and ends December 31st |
Campus | Home basis of buildings and grounds for Kean |
CAPS Advisor | A staff member assigned to students who are below 60 credits and not in a special program (EOF, Bridge to Success, SUPERA, Veteran) |
Census or Freeze Date | A federeally mandated date that the Kean University IR Team uses to finalize and freeze enrollment data for a particular academic term, often used for reporting purposes and determining student status. |
Chapter | Specific GI-Bill® benefits are uniquely identified with a "Chapter" and number designation (Ex: Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 GI Bill®). |
Chosen First Name | The preferred first name that a student wishes to be addressed by or identified with, which may differ from their legal first name. |
Chosen Last Name | The preferred last name that a student wishes to be addressed by or identified with, which may differ from their legal last name. |
CIP Code | Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code, a standardized coding system used to classify and compare academic programs and courses across Kean. |
Citizenship | The legal status of an individual as a member of a particular country, typically used for demographic and administrative purposes. |
Class Rank (High School) | A student's position relative to their peers based on academic performance within their high school graduating class. |
Co-curricular Transcript | A record of a student’s involvement in educational experiences that transpire outside of the classroom. |
Cohort | A group of students, usually graduate level, who enter their academic program during the same academic year or term and progress through the program together. |
College | An academic unit within a college the University, offering undergraduate and/or graduate programs in specific fields of study. |
Commuter | A non-residential student who does not live on campus-owned property. |
Concentration | A specialized area of focus within a broader academic major or program, allowing students to tailor their studies to specific interests or career goals. For example, BS. Management/Entrepreneurship BA Criminal Justice Policing |
Continuing Student | A student who is returning to Kean for another academic term or year after previously enrolling in courses. |
Course Credit | The unit of measurement representing the academic value or workload assigned to a particular course, typically based on the number of instructional hours per week. |
Course Level | The classification of a course, e.g. 1000, 2000, 3000 level) based on its academic content, difficulty, and prerequisites, often indicated by course numbers or labels. |
Course Number | The unique identifier assigned to a specific course ar Kean used for registration and academic record-keeping purposes. |
Course Registration | The process of enrolling for and officially joining a specific course offered at Kean for an upcoming term. |
Credit Hour | A unit of academic credit representing the amount of work expected of a student in a specific course, typically based on the number of instructional hours per week over a semester or term. |
Cumulative GPA | The grade point average (GPA) calculated by averaging the grades earned by a student in all completed courses throughout their academic career at the university. |
Degree | Earned level of academic study in a completed field |
Department | Academic unit within a university that houses partiular program/major |
Department Chair | Leader of an academic area Department Chairs are the collegial leaders of their departments and perform essential administrative responsibilities designed to enhance academic quality and service to students. |
Dependent | A spouse, child, or parent of a service member, who is eligible for Veteran Affairs benefits from that relationship. |
DFW | Students who receive a letter grade of an D, F, or withdraw |
Diploma | Official title granted to a student for an earned degree |
Distance Education | Learning in an off-campus setting |
Doctoral Degree | Highest level of academic degree awarded by a university |
Double Major | Pursuing two distinct disciplines to maximize specialization |
Dual Enrollment | Enrollment at two separate institutions or programs |
E-mail Address | Email addresses are unique and assigned to Kean faculty, staff, and students for electronic mail communication. The syntax of email addresses cannot (or should not) be used to determine University affiliation. |
Employee ID | A unique identification of individuals working for Kean University |
Enrolled not Registered | An active student who is not currently registered for the current or for the upcoming term- whom has yet to graduate or withdraw. |
Enrollment Capacity | Maximum quantity of students that can be registered for a class |
EOF Counselor | A staff member assigned to students in the EOF Program. Students work with their assigned EOF counselor from enrolment through graduation. |
Equivalent Course | A class with equivalent criteria to satisfy program requirement |
Expected Family Contribution (EFC) | Calculated sum expected to be contributed by a family towards student's education per year |
Expected Graduation Term | Expected time to complete degree based on start term |
Faculty | Fulltime instructors, with educational rankings - and adjunct (part time) |
Faculty Advisor | A faculty member assigned to provide guidance and support to students regarding academic, career, and personal matters. |
FAFSA | United States Department of Education-issued Free Application for Federal Student Aid for current and prospective college students to assess financial aid qualifications |
Fall Cohort | Group of students who enroll during the Fall term (commencing in September) that work through curriculum together |
Federal Work Study | Program designed to support students facing financial challenges, providing them with the chance to work and contribute towards covering their educational costs |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
Financial Aid | A variety of college funding options beyond personal contributions |
Financial Need | Students expenses versus their ability to pay |
First Generation Student | First student within a family to complete a 4 year degree from Kean University |
First-Time Full-Time | Refers to Undergraduate students who are enrolling at Kean for the first time for 12-credits. |
Fiscal Year | A 12-month period used for financial reporting and budgeting purposes that starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. |
For-Credit Internship | A structured work experience related to a student's field of study, completed FOR CREDIT |
Full-Time Equivalent Faculty/Staff (FTE) | The total number of full-time employees adjusted to account for part-time employees. For example, two half-time employees would be equivalent to one full-time employee. |
Full-Time Equivalent Student (FTE) | The total number of students adjusted to account for part-time enrollment. For example, two half-time students would be equivalent to one full-time student. |
Full-time Instructional Faculty | Those members of the instructional/research staff who are employed full time and whose major assignment is instruction, including those with release time for research. Includes full-time faculty for whom it is not possible to differentiate between teaching, research, and public service because each of these functions is an integral component of his/her regular assignment. |
Full-time Status | A full-time status student is 12 Credits for Undergraduate students at 9 Credits for Graduate students |
Gender | Refers to the classification of individuals as male, female, or other gender identities. |
GI-Bill® | A Registered Trademark term that refers to the bill, formally known as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, that provides Veteran Affairs education and post-service benefits/assistance to active and former military service-members. |
Graduate Administrative Assistantship | A graduate student employed by the university to assist with general administrative work. |
Graduate Research Assistant | A graduate student who is employed by the university to assist faculty members with research projects. |
Graduate Teaching Assistant | A graduate student who is employed by the university to assist faculty members with teaching responsibilities, such as grading assignments or leading discussions. |
Graduation Rate | The rate at which a student earns their bachelor degree. At Kean University, we calculate the 4-year and 6-year graduation rates. |
Graduation Term | The term in which a student graduates. |
Greek Organization | A group that identifies as a sorority or franternity, which provides social, leadership, academic, and service-based opportunities |
Headcount | Total number of students enrolled |
HelpDesk | Self service support portal as a central hub for all technology needs |
High School | The highschool for which a student attended and graduated from |
High School Graduation Date | The date when a student graduated from high school or received their high school degree |
Hispanic | The ethnicity of an individual or group of students of a Spanish speaking country |
Hold | A hold is a virtual restriction that can be placed on a student's account. A hold can prevent course registration, grades and/or the distribution of diplomas and/or transcripts. |
Honor Society | A recognized student group with an academic area of interest that highlights high-achieving academic performance. |
Hybrid Course | A course schedule that has virtual and in-person meeting times |
Hybrid Work | A work schedule that has virtual and in-person meeting times |
In-Person Course | Refers to courses or activities that take place physically on campus, as opposed to online or remote instruction. |
Incident Report | Provides documentation of a student-based incident of concern and receives formal follow-up |
Instructor | A faculty member responsible for teaching courses and providing instruction to students. |
International Student | A student who is not a citizen or permanent resident of the country where they are studying, typically requiring special visa status for enrollment. |
Internship | A structured work experience related to a student's field of study, typically completed for academic credit and providing practical skills and knowledge. |
Involved Student | A student who holds membership(s) in a student group, Greek organization, the Leadership Institute, and/or an elected student-government position. |
IPEDS | Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, a system of surveys conducted by the U.S. Department of Education to collect data from colleges and universities on various aspects of their operations and outcomes. |
Leave of Absence (Faculty/Staff) | A leave of absence for faculty/staff is a period during which an employee temporarily suspends their duties and responsibilities at their institution, often for reasons such as medical leave, personal reasons, professional development, or military service. |
Leave of Absence (Student) | A period of time during which a student temporarily suspends their enrollment in classes, often for reasons such as medical leave, personal reasons, or military service. |
Lecturer | Non-tenure track faculty who may teach full-time or have some administrative duties, but have no research obligations |
Legal First Name | Legal name as recognized by the government |
Legal Last Name | Legal name as recognized by the government |
Living Learning Community (Residential) | A specialized campus housing environment that provides academic and social benefits. |
Load | Number of credits taken or taught in a given semester |
Major | Primary academic field of study |
Master's Degree | Post-baccalaureate degree |
Meal Plan | Flexible on-and-off campus dining plans geared toward students, faculty, and staff who regularly dine on campus; required for residential students |
Merit-Based Scholarship | An operationally funded scholarship based on academic merit for incoming, undergraduate students |
Military Status | Designation of Active(full-time) or Inactive for a military-service member's service obligation. |
Minor (academic) | Secondary academic field of study |
Minor (age) | Persons under the age of 18 |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | People having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands |
Need-Based Aid | Financial aid awarded based on family income and other eligibility criteria |
Never Attended | A student who never stepped foot in the classroom or logged on in an online class by the never-attended reporting date |
Non-Degree Seeking Student | Student who takes courses or audits without working toward a degree |
Non-Resident Alien | Any individual who is not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national. |
Not For-Credit Internship | A structured work experience related to a student's field of study, NOT COMPLETED FOR CREDIT. |
On-Campus Housing | Buildings arranged and designed as living quarters on a college campus |
Online | An instructional modality |
Orientation Leader | Work closely with first-year students by serving as a campus guide and facilitates components of the orientation and resources to students. |
Out-of-State Student | A student who's citizenry and/or who's residency is outside of New Jersey. |
Parent (Guardian) | A birth or adoptive parent, legal guardian, or other person having responsibility for, or legal custody of person under 18 years of age and/or a person who is incapable of managing his/her own affairs |
Part-time (Adjunct) | A part-time faculty member who is hired on a contractual basis |
Part-Time Status | An undergraduate student who takes under 12 credits or a graduate student who takes under nine credits in a given semester |
Pell Eligible | Undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a bachelor's, graduate, or professional degree and as determined by the U.S. Department of Education |
Pell Recipient | A student who was awarded a federal Pell grant |
Persistence Rate | Measure by the percentage of students who return to an institution within their second year |
Phone Number | Number used to contact students |
Priority Registration | An earlier enrollment date than other students with the same class level and completed credits |
Professional Advisor | A staff member assigned to provide guidance and support to students regarding academic, career, and personal matters. |
Professor | A teacher of the highest rank in a college or university |
Prospective Student | any individual who contacts an eligible institution requesting information concerning admission |
Race/Ethnicity | Race refers to the concept of dividing people into groups on the basis of various sets of physical characteristics and the process of ascribing social meaning to those groups. Ethnicity describes the culture of people in a given geographic region, including their language, heritage, religion and customs. |
Re-admitted Student | A student who was previously enrolled at Kean University but left and has now been granted permission to return and resume their studies. |
Region | geographical area or division, often used for administrative and reporting purposes within Kean University. |
Regular Term | A standard academic term (such as fall or spring semester) during which most courses are offered and students attend classes. |
Residence Hall | Specific building where students live on campus. |
Residency | The status of a student indicating whether they are classified as an in-state resident or out-of-state resident for tuition and fee purposes. |
Resident | A student who resides on campus-owned property. |
Resident Alien | An individual who is not a citizen of the United States but resides within the country under legally recognized immigration status. |
Resident Assistant | A peer who lives in the residence hall and creates programs, enforces policies, serves as an emergency contact, and provides resources and guidance to residents. |
Retention Rate | The percentage of students who continue their enrollment at Kean University from one academic year to the next, often used as a measure of institutional success in retaining students. |
Reverse Transfer | The process by which credits earned at a four-year institution, such as Kean University, are transferred back to a two-year institution for the purpose of completing an associate's degree. |
ROTC | The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) is a military leadership training opportunity, meant to coincide with and help fund (many times fully) a student's full-time university education. |
Sabbatical | The Agreement between the State and the Council of New Jersey State College Locals provides for a Sabbatical Leave Program for faculty members who have completed a period of seven (7) or more years of service. |
SAT | The Scholastic Assessment Test, a standardized test commonly used for college admissions in the United States, assessing students' readiness for college-level coursework. |
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) | The Federal Standard of academic performance that students must maintain to remain eligible for financial aid and to continue enrollment at Kean University. |
Second Baccalaureate Degree | For students who wish to obtain another baccalaureate degree, most programs at Kean University offer a second degree. |
Section | A specific instance of a course offered at Kean University, distinguished by unique meeting times, locations, and instructors. |
Semester | A standard academic term at Kean University, typically lasting around 15 weeks, during which courses are offered and academic activities take place. |
Semester Credit Hour | Under the NJ State Administrative Code, Title 9A, a "semester credit hour" is defined as “150 minutes of academic work each week for 15 weeks in one semester, which is typically accomplished by 50 minutes of face-to-face class activity each week complemented by at least 100 minutes each week of laboratory or outside assignments (or the equivalent thereof for semesters of different length) but may also be accomplished through an equivalent amount of academic work as established by an institution, which may include additional class time, laboratory work, internships, practical studio work, and other forms of academic work” (NJ Administrative Code, Title 9A-Higher Education). |
Service Branch | Refers to the specific US military sub-division that a service member belongs to. This is split into Army (including Army National Guard), Air Force (including Space Force and Air National Guard), Marines, Navy, and Coast Guard. |
Service Hour | The number of hours that a student spends volunteering and/or participating in a service-based project or activity. |
Service Member | An individual who has served or is currently serving within the military as an enlisted or commissioned soldier. |
Sex | The biological classification of an individual as male, female, or intersex, often used for demographic and administrative purposes. |
Social Security Number | unique nine-digit number issued by the United States government for taxation and identification purposes, often used for student identification and administrative records. |
Student | An individual officially enrolled in academic courses at Kean University to pursue a degree or certificate. |
Student Ambassadar | Student Ambassadors showcase the Union, NJ campus by hosting personalized tours and providing daily, front-end admissions office coverage and support year-round. |
Student Employee | A student who holds a part-time job or position within Kean University, often providing support in various departments or offices. |
Student Group | A group of at least 10 student members who share, celebrate, and/or promote a common interest and meet required criteria for student-group recognition. |
Student Group Advisor | An institutional representative who assists student groups in areas of organizational development and program support. |
Student ID | A unique identifier assigned to each student at Kean University for identification and administrative purposes. |
Study Abroad | Managed by the Center for International Studies, study abroad offers students the opportunity to spend a semester or academic year studying in another country. |
Summer Term | An optional academic term at Kean University, typically shorter in duration than regular terms, during which courses are offered. |
SUPERA Counselor | A staff member assigned to students in the SUPERA Program. Students work with their assigned SUPERA counselor from enrollment through graduation. |
Teaching Credit Load (TCH) | Number of credits taught in a given semester |
Tenure | A status granted to faculty members at Kean University after a probationary period, providing job security and protection against arbitrary dismissal. |
Tenure Track | The career path for faculty members at Kean University leading to tenure, typically involving a probationary period followed by a formal review process. |
Term GPA | The grade point average (GPA) calculated for a specific academic term, based on the grades earned in courses taken during that term. |
Test Score | The numerical result obtained by a student on a standardized test, such as the SAT or ACT, often used for college admissions and placement purposes. |
Transfer Credit | Academic credit granted to a student for coursework completed at another institution prior to enrolling at Kean University. |
Transfer Student | A student who has previously attended another institution and is now enrolled at Kean University. |
Travelearn | A program offered by Kean University that provides students with opportunities to travel and engage in experiential learning experiences. |
Tuition | The amount of money charged by Kean University for instruction and academic services provided to students. |
Tuition and Fees | The amount tuition and mandatory fees charged by Kean University for instruction, various services and amenities. |
Tuition Residency | The determination of whether a student qualifies as an in-state or out-of-state resident for tuition and fee purposes at Kean University. |
Two or More Races | A demographic category indicating individuals who identify with two or more racial groups, often used for demographic reporting and analysis. |
Wait List | Managed by the Registrar, this is a list of students who have requested enrollment in a course that is currently full, with admission dependent on available space. |
White | A racial classification referring to individuals of European descent, often used for demographic and administrative purposes. |
Winter Term | An optional academic term at Kean University, typically shorter in duration than regular terms, during which courses are offered. |
Withdrawal | The formal process by which a student discontinues enrollment in a course or from Kean University, often resulting in academic and financial consequences. |