Office of Student Accountability, Standards and Education
Welcome to the Office of Student Accountability, Standards and Education formerly known as the Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct. Kean University is committed to providing a campus environment where students can grow intellectually and develop as people. The Kean community depends on shared values and principles.
The Student Code of Conduct is a guide to our community values. These core values include integrity, community, fairness, respect and responsibility. Students and visitors are expected to uphold and abide by the standards of conduct that form the basis of the student code. Violations of the code may be received from individuals, police reports or incidents referred through another department within the University. Determination of a violation is made only after a complete investigation of the complaint. A Student Conduct Conference or a Student Conduct Hearing may be held to determine if a violation of community standards occurred.
The Office of Student Accountability, Standards and Education works closely with the Residence Life Judicial System, Greek Life Judicial Board, Office of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Affirmative Action Office, Athletics and Campus Police.
The Office of Student Accountability, Standards and Educationis responsible for the following:
Educating students regarding core values of the University community as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct
Investigating complaints of violations of the Student Code of Conduct following the guidelines of the student conduct process
Resolving, dismissing or referring cases to a Student Conduct Conference, a Student Conduct Hearing or an appropriate student conduct process
Guaranteeing procedures are fair to all as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct
If you would like to report a violation of the Code of Conduct, please click here.