Kean Ocean Next Steps
Step 1: Prepare to become a Kean Cougar
Activate your Kean accounts. Using the login credentials provided in your acceptance letter you can access Kean systems including your Kean Google Email, KeanWISE; all available to you through the QuickLinks menu on www.kean.edu.
Step 2: Apply for Financial Aid
File early to maximize the amount of aid for which you are eligible using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Go to studentaid.gov and include the Kean FAFSA school code 002622. Click Apply Now on the confirmation page of FAFSA to Start your state application for New Jersey State based financial aid. More information about financial aid can be found through the Office of Financial Aid.
Step 3: Schedule your Academic Advisement Appointment
Students are required to meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for courses each semester to help you stay on track for graduation and review any pending transfer credits.
Spring 2025 Registration Sessions:
Friday, December 13th, 2024 10am-3pm-Now Open!
Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 10am-3pm
Click HERE to schedule your appointment for advisement via your admissions portal. If you have difficulty making an appointment, please reach out by phone to 908-443-2500 or via email to keanocc@kean.edu.
If the closest advisement session date listed above does not work for you, email your advisor and schedule an appointment (in person, virtual, or by phone).
A list of advisors can be found HERE.
Step 4: Attend your Advisement Appointment
Meet with your academic adviser to review your degree audit, discuss course schedule options and review major and minor requirements.
- Have questions about your transfer credits? Contact Transfer Admissions at koadmission@kean.edu or stop down to GATE 103 to meet the Transfer Admissions team in-person.
- Still in the final semester of your Associate’s degree? Don’t forget to submit your final official transcript with your Associate’s degree listed, as this may impact your degree audit!
Step 5: Register for Classes
All transfer, graduate and continuing students can register for courses online via KeanWISE. Check out this video for step-by-step instructions on registering for classes!
Student Services are available to you through the Kean Ocean Administrative Office in GATE 103 and also offer virtual services as noted below:
Financial Aid - Email finaid@kean.edu for assistance or join the QLess virtual line.
Student Accounting - Email stuactg@kean.edu for assistance or reach their office by phone at (908)443-2416.
One-Stop/Registration Assistance - Email regme@kean.edu with your inquiry or registration request.
It is important to note that admission to Kean University/Kean Ocean is contingent upon successful completion of all courses currently in progress. The University reserves the right to rescind or change the decision should subsequent information provided not be in accordance with the University's admission policies.
Student ID cards
Download the GET Mobile app from the Google Play or Apple App stores. The GET app allows you to request your Student ID card, as well as manage the balance of ID card funds. For your ID card to be mailed home to you, complete the following steps:
- Login to the GET Mobile app with your Kean Google email login
- Click on MENU
- Click on SETTINGS
- Choose a clear and well-focused photo from your gallery or take a new photo to submit. Your photo should meet the following criteria:
- Photos should be cropped slightly anove your head and directly below your shoulders, similar to a driver's license or passport photo.
- Look at the camera with open eyes, smiles are allowed!
- Select a plain background in a well lit environment.
- Photo must be in original color, not black and white or sepia toned.
- No other persons should be visible in the photo and no accessories (sunglasses, hats, etc.)
Immunization Records
Immunization records are required for all students. Students now have the access to upload immunization record documentation directly. For information on how to submit immunization records please click here. Records must be submitted through the student portal. Please adhere to the deadlines for records submission to ensure there is no delay in registering.
For questions or assistance, contact Student Health Services at 908-737-4880.