Talk to Me is a poignant comedy that explores communication, human relationships and what it means to love at all stages of life. The story follows the recovery of a group of individuals living with aphasia, a language disorder that affects a person's ability to express and understand written and spoken language, as well as the staff that work with them.
The School of Communication Disorders and Deafness invites all members of the campus community to a free reading of Talk to Me on Friday, January 26, at 6 p.m. at the Miron Student Center Little Theatre.
The play is based on the experiences that Megan Bussieres '08, '10 M.A. had as a graduate student in Kean’s Center for Communication Disorders. Bussiere will play the lead role and Mary Jo Santo Pietro, Ph.D., professor in Kean’s School of Communication Disorders and Deafness, will play a character with aphasia.
For more information, please contact Martin Shulman, Ph.D., at (908) 737-5802 or