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Kean University

Kean Students Compete in Lockheed Martin Case Competition

Kean University students recently competed alongside students from Penn State and Germany’s Hof University in a Lockheed Martin Case Competition. The students devised and presented novel applications and growth opportunities for Lockheed Martin aerospace technologies. Lockheed Martin is a leader in global defense and security products. Penn State hosted the competition. 

The winning student presentation proposed the implementation of a Lockheed Martin missile defense system on Mars, to destroy incoming meteors during exploration and settlement. President Barack Obama has called for Mars exploration by 2030, deeming the endeavor “the next next chapter of America’s story in space.”

Kean senior Julio Olivo, of Plainfield, and his team chose to explore a market that Lockheed Martin was looking to exit, contract cyber security solutions.  The team analyzed cyber attacks per country, per business and per industry, identifying cybersecurity as a growth sector. They recommended that Lockheed Martin develop business to business cybersecurity solutions in Brazil’s finance industry, due to the country’s high volume of cyber attacks.

“We were able to look back at our management, finance and marketing classes to develop an international business plan,” said Olivo. “I have to give credit to Dr. Black and Professor Grimm because without their recommendation and generous invitation I would not have been able to see my full potential."