Kean Senior VP Michael Salvatore, Ph.D., Authors Leadership Book on Social-Emotional Learning

Kean Senior Vice President for Administration Michael Salvatore, Ph.D., drew on his career experience in education to write Inside Out, a leadership book advocating social-emotional learning as a tool for success in any field.
Salvatore said the idea for the book grew out of training sessions he conducted for educators on implementing the practices in schools, beginning when he was superintendent of Long Branch Public Schools.
He said he realized social-emotional learning strategies, such as self-awareness and stress management, had wider appeal.
“The lessons we prepare and teach our youngest learners actually work for adults too,” Salvatore said. “When social emotional leadership takes precedence, a remarkable transformation unfolds.”

Salvatore spoke about his book this week at a conference on innovation in higher education, sponsored by ClassLink and Canva in Austin, Texas. He also signed copies of the book for visitors from across the country.
“Innovation is a marathon,” Salvatore told attendees. “People who see their work to the finish line are the true innovators.”
Salvatore joined Kean’s administrative team in 2021 after working in Long Branch for 23 years, as a teacher, principal and superintendent. Inside Out taps into his experiences both in K-12 schools and higher education.
He also uses examples of visionaries in other fields: President John F. Kennedy, Apple CEO Tim Cook, NBA superstar Steph Curry and producer/screenwriter Shonda Rhimes are all mentioned.
The book also cites relevant research articles and studies on social-emotional learning, a process of developing the self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills needed for school, work and success. Championed by the Collaboration for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, or CASEL, social-emotional learning’s five core skills include recognizing and managing emotions; developing caring and concern for others; establishing positive relationships; making responsible decisions; and handling challenging situations constructively and ethically.
Salvatore said he began writing the book in May 2023, several years after he first conceived the idea, in part because as an administrator who encourages Kean faculty to write and publish, he felt it was time.
He worked on it daily for 100 days, setting his alarm clock to begin writing before sunrise, taking advantage of quiet morning hours before he drove to work. The book was finished in late December and published in January.
Salvatore said the book’s essential leadership principle is self-awareness.
“The most important thing is having a true understanding of yourself as a person,” he said. “Once you understand yourself, you can begin to apply the competencies.”
One educator who has read the book, Dean Tracy Mulvaney, Ed.D., of the School of Education at the University of North Carolina - Pembroke, said Inside Out "provides important reminders to leaders in education to practice what we preach in terms of social-emotional well-being."
"Dr. Salvatore provides anecdotes, strategies and light research that is practical and demonstrates how and why SEL is just as critical for leaders as it is for teachers and students. The book is a quick and enjoyable read, and highly supports self-care for leaders with turn-key strategies," she said.
The book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other online booksellers.