Kean has been named New Jersey’s first urban research university, recognizing the University’s growing role in conducting research and generating solutions to issues in urban communities statewide.
Kean is working with educators in 15 New Jersey public school districts on a pilot program to create a more supportive and inclusive culture in K-12 schools.
A Kean research team evaluated the reliability of direct-to-consumer genetic tests to determine a person's risk of contracting COVID-19. Learn what they found out.
The Institute for Life Science Entrepreneurship, a nonprofit based at Kean that works with startups and entrepreneurs in the life sciences, has signed an agreement providing training and support to strengthen ties with the Indian biotechnology sector.
Kean will lead a five-school consortium that received a $5 million research grant from the National Science Foundation and will also share in a second grant to increase minority undergraduates and grad students in computer science.
Twenty faculty projects were awarded funding through the new Summer Research Fellowship Program, which was created to expand research activities at Kean and advance the University’s goal of becoming an R-2 research institution.
Kean Senior Vice President for Research Jeffrey H. Toney, Ph.D., has been named a Fellow of Sigma Xi, the prestigious Scientific Research Honor Society. He is one of 15 members selected for the 2021 cohort for “exceptional contributions” to society and scientific enterprise.
Three students from Kean University will perform research in disease pandemics virtually as the inaugural class of the Summer Scholars program being launched by the Consortium of Scientists for Pandemic Preparedness (CSPP).
Kean grad student Antoinette Antonucci '20, '21 M.S., who was accepted to six prestigious doctoral programs, developed a passion for scientific research in the laboratory at Kean.