Genetic Counseling Admission Requirements
This program admits in the fall semester only.
Please note, the GRE is NOT required
In addition to the University’s admission requirements:
- Baccalaureate degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) from all colleges attended
- Official transcripts from all institutions attended
- Prerequisite coursework (Science courses should be of the level required for a science major or premedicine course of study. Recommended minimum GPA for prerequisite coursework is 3.0.)
- 1 year of biology
- 1 year of chemistry
- 1 semester of organic chemistry
- 1 semester of biochemistry
- 1 semester of genetics
- 1 semester of psychology
- 1 semester of statistics
- Three letters of recommendation
- Current professional résumé/CV (include NMS assigned Match number*)
- Personal /GCGP essay:
- Describe how shadowing a genetic counselor, advocacy work/volunteering, or personal experience(s) affected you as a person and defined your desire to become a genetic counselor. Include the reason(s) you are interested in the Genetic Counseling Graduate Program (GCGP) at Kean University. Essay should be < or =1200 words.
- Related Experience – competitive applicants have gained knowledge of the profession via:
- Exposure to genetic counseling (shadowing genetic counselors, interviewing genetic counselors, watching online videos of consults, etc.)
- Volunteer experience in relevant settings (working with those with genetic disorders or other disabilities, work with advocacy groups, etc.)
- Counseling experience (crisis hotline with training, family planning organization, etc.)
- Research
- Interview is required. Admission to the GCGP is competitive. A percent of applicants will be offered an interview with the GCGP administrators and faculty.
- Official TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo score reports (if required)
The entire application is taken into account when deciding to offer an applicant an interview and a position in the program. Experiences, knowledge of the profession and a mature reflective personal statement therefore play a significant role in the applicant’s overall ranking and can support grades or scores especially if lower than recommended. A competitive candidate will have a well-rounded application.
*National Matching Services Inc.
Genetic Counseling Admissions Match https://natmatch.com/gcadmissions/
The Kean University Genetic Counseling Graduate Program participates in the Genetic Counseling Admissions Match through National Matching Services (NMS).
The Match uses a process that takes into account both applicants’ and programs’ preferences. All applicants must first register for the Match with NMS before applying to participating genetic counseling graduate programs. At the conclusion of all program interviews, both applicants and programs will submit ranked lists of preferred placements to NMS according to deadlines posted on the NMS website. The binding results of the Match will be released to both applicants and programs simultaneously in late April.
Please visit the NMS website (https://natmatch.com/gcadmissions/) to register for the match, review detailed information about the matching process and view a demonstration of how the matching algorithm works.