Archived Spring 2021 Procedures for Academic Holds and Advisement
Procedures for Student Support (Advisement and Office) Hours Procedures
The full-time faculty office hours have been reduced to five (5) hours per week. The five office hours are to be scheduled in one-hour minimum time blocks over a minimum of three days. Note: This does not apply to adjunct faculty.
Office Hours for Spring 2022 are required to be entered in CRM Advise under the Advisor Experience link from the Quicklinks menu on the Kean homepage. For a tutorial on entering office hours in the Advisor Experience, please visit the faculty user support site, and under the Advise dropdown menu, select Navigating Advise, then select "Step-by-Step" instructions for Advise. There you will find information on "Adding Your Office Hours." Faculty teaching Kean Online courses should enter virtual hours, and faculty teaching face-to-face courses should enter in-person hours with the appropriate location(s).
Spring 2022 office hours are required to be entered via CRM Advise as soon as possible with final updates prior to the first class meeting.
For your reference and for important deadlines from the Office of the Registrar, you may access the Kean University Academic Calendar.
Procedures for Academic Holds and Advisement
Academic advisement and advisement holds are mandatory for all undergraduate students at all locations, in order to improve students’ progress toward their degree, improve retention and graduation rates and minimize students taking classes that do not apply towards their degrees. The procedures below will ensure that high-quality, expert faculty advisement is delivered to all students, regardless of the program or campus location.
Advisor Assignment: All undergraduate students will have one faculty advisor (MJR1A for the first or primary major, MJR2A for any second major(s)) per program they pursue, with the respective Executive Director/Chairperson serving as the default secondary advisor. Each Executive Director/Chairperson/Program Coordinator assigns the appropriate MJR1A or MJR2A in accordance with the established policies/procedures of the respective school/program after the students’ initial registration at Kean. Particular attention is paid to the home location of the student, so that they receive an advisor appropriate for that location. Wenzhou-Kean University students studying at Kean USA will also have a Kean USA advisor assigned (MJR1B/MJR2B) for the duration of their time here by the respective Kean USA Executive Director/Program Coordinator. Students coded as Undecided majors, will have their advisement provided by the School of General Studies until they declare a major program of study. The Office of the Registrar sends the Office of Academic Affairs a bimonthly monitoring report of students who are missing a primary advisor. The Office of Academic Affairs reviews and disseminated this information to the respective school/department for assignments that are then returned to the Office of the Registrar for assignment in Colleague.
First time freshmen will have an additional School of General Studies (SGS) advisor, who provides advisement prior to their initial enrollment as well as advisement during their first semester at Kean. Starting with their second semester of enrollment, responsibility switches from the SGS advisor to the primary major advisor(s) (MJR1A and MJR2A). During this transition, students should meet with each advisor once prior to the start of their second term of enrollment. Before the end of the first semester, the handover must take place to ensure second semester registration is conducted properly by the major advisor, and the SGS advisor is fully in the loop until the student is registered. This process must be fully documented in the student record. Special admission programs (e.g. SSP, EEO) will have additional advisors/counselors assigned to those students by the respective program directors.
Academic Holds: It is required that faculty advisors will meet with their advisees twice per semester, with one mandatory session required for each student prior to their registration for subsequent terms/sessions. Two academic holds (Ax and 2Ax where x =1 or 2 as appropriate) are assigned prior to the start of the registration periods each semester. The Ax holds prevent student registration (mandatory meeting). The 2Ax holds are informational only (they do not restrict student registration), in order to record the second advisement session that is optional based on the student’s interest. The assigned advisor will remove the hold that corresponds to their assigned role (A1/2A1 by the MJR1A advisor, A2/2A2 by the MJR2A advisor). Academic holds cannot be removed by support staff or any non-faculty advisors. Most special admission programs have additional academic holds that can only be removed by staff within those programs. Holds must be removed ONLY by an academic advisor or Executive Director through Colleague/KeanWISE/Student Planning where and when appropriate. This responsibility cannot be assigned to staff or office managers.
The Advisement Processes: To maximize availability to their continuing student advisees, faculty advisors will maintain the required 12 Student Support Hours per week (described in Faculty Responsibilities). With the implementation of Ellucian CRM Advise, faculty advisors will be required to document all outreach (email, phone, in-person, virtual) to their advisees. Prior to the start of the registration period, faculty will utilize Advise to contact their advisees to make them aware of their availability and remind them of pertinent information regarding the advisement process. When an advisement hold is ended, documentation of the session that corresponds with the end date added to the Academic Holds will be recorded in Advise. Academic programs and/or Schools will also develop supplemental, program-specific communication plans in Advise for their students. Additionally, each program and advisor will have a specific communication plan and outreach documentation through Advise for current students who have not enrolled for the next semester (known as the ENR, Enrolled Not Registered for the next term, Process). It is the responsibility of the assigned faculty advisor(s) to make this outreach to their advisees and encourage their retention and continued enrollment.
In addition to continuing student advisement, tenure/tenure track, non-tenure/tenure track faculty and Executive Directors in undergraduate serving programs will support the efforts of the School of General Studies with the New Student Orientation advisement sessions over the summer for the firs- time freshman population. The tenure/tenure track, non-tenure/tenure track faculty and Executive Directors in undergraduate serving programs will also provide all advisement for newly admitted/entering transfer, second degree and readmitted students. These efforts will be coordinated and assigned by the Executive Director and corresponding Managing Assistant Directors, with 10-month faculty being assigned through June, and 12-month faculty and Executive Directors shall be covering July and August. The corresponding Dean’s and their staff will be monitoring to ensure full coverage of all required new student advisements, providing a personalized and welcoming environment for all new Kean students.
Faculty Advisement Training: The Division of Academic Affairs, with the assistance/participation as appropriate of the Office of Student Success and Retention, the Center for International Studies and Office of Career Services and Internships will provide training for new faculty advisors during New Faculty Orientation, as well as periodic trainings regarding new technologies and policies to assist in advisement and refresher trainings to help faculty provide the highest level of advisement to their student advisees. These trainings will include sessions during Professional Development Days and College Days, as well as continued training and professional development within the College and Schools as requested through and assisted by the Deans, Executive Directors and Managing Assistant Directors. Training for technology, when implemented, will include, but will not be limited to, Ellucian CRM Advise, Ellucian Student Planning, Colleague/KeanWISE, Ruffalo Noel Levitz College Student Inventory and any other technologies implemented to improve the advisement experience of Kean students.
Additional Advisement Resources