Shanggeun Rhee, Ph.D.

Shanggeun Rhee is Executive Director for the School of Management and Marketing at Kean University. He has served as Management coordinator for the last five years at the same department and was the faculty advisor and president for the Kean University chapter of Sigma Beta Delta, International honor society for Business, Management, and Administration. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and MBA and BA from Seoul National University, Korea. Dr. Rhee brings extensive international industry experience in creating competitive and sustainable business practices through changing organizational culture, designing new HRM system, and developing strategic leadership. He served as a consultant to a number of public sector organizations and multinational corporations such as Central Bank of Korea, Korea Exchange Bank, Korean Air, and POSCO. He has published articles in Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, Journal of Management Awareness, Information and Management, Service Business, and Nanyang Business Review. His current research interests include leadership, motivation, human resource management, strategic alliances, technology management, and creative teaching and class management.