Steps To Enrollment
Accepted Students
Get started by clicking on one of the accepted sections below:
Accepted Kean Ocean Transfer Students
Additional Information for Special Admission Programs

Accepted Freshman Students
Step 1. Save Your Spot
Pay your $95 tuition deposit to reserve your space in our incoming class with two easy ways to pay.
1. Go to the Accepted Student Tab in your Cougar App portal to "Deposit" at kean.edu/cougarapp.
2. Mail a check or money order payable to Kean University. Include your name and Kean ID #:
Kean University
Office of Admissions
1000 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Step 2. Apply for Financial Aid
Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online as soon as possible.
The FAFSA evaluates eligibility for need-based aid, including grants, loans and work-study.
Priority is given to students who file their FAFSA by March 1, so file early to maximize the
amount of eligible aid you can receive.
Go to studentaid.gov to:
- Create an account, or FSA ID, to e-sign the FAFSA. Parents of dependent students must create a separate FSA ID.
- File the FAFSA and include the Kean FAFSA school code 002622.
New Jersey Dreamers - Complete the NJ Alternative Financial Aid Application at hesaa.org/pages/njalternativeapplication.aspx.
Note: All Kean scholarship candidates are encouraged to file the FAFSA (or NJAFAA if applicable) for consideration.
Step 3. Apply for Housing
Many of the best memories of college come from living on campus. Make the most of your college
experience by making Kean your home. Living on campus helps you Live. Learn. Thrive and Graduate
on time.
All applicants are required to pay a non-refundable $125 application fee. The housing application for 2025-2026 opens on January 17, 2025.
Click here for more information on how to apply for Housing.
Step 4: Prepare to Enroll (Same-day Placement Testing, Advising, Registration)
4A: Complete Placement Testing: The University's placement tests help determine appropriate placement for reading, writing and math courses. Schedule your Placement and Testing Appointment by emailing testing@kean.edu. Please be sure to include all available SAT and ACT scores in your email.
4B: Get Advised: Following the completion of placement tests, most incoming students will receive academic advising. This guidance will assist you in planning your courses for the upcoming semester.
Department-Specific Advising: Students accepted into the following majors should reach out directly to the contacts listed below for advising and registration information after placement testing is complete.
- Students accepted into majors in the School of Integrative Science and Technology should reach out to Judy April at japril@kean.edu.
- Students accepted into majors in Theatre should contact Rachel Evans at revans@kean.edu.
- Students accepted into all music and music education majors can connect to the Department of Music through music@kean.edu.
4C: Course Registration: Once steps 4A and 4B are completed, course registration can take place on the same day with the assistance of a General Education Mentor (GEM). It's highly recommended to register for classes as early as possible to secure preferred course days and times.
Step 5. Gear Up For New Student Orientation
These steps are general guidelines for navigating the enrollment process. Be sure to refer back to your Cougar App Portal for the most accurate information regarding placement testing, advising and course registration.
Orientation offers a chance to meet your classmates and become more familiar with Kean before the fall semester arrives. New Student Orientation (NSO) is required for incoming students.
Go to Kean.edu/NSO for details on dates and times
Accepted Transfer Students

Step 1. Submit Your Deposit
Pay your $95 non-refundable tuition deposit to reserve your space!
2 easy ways to pay:
Log into the Accepted Student tab in your Cougar App portal
*Hint: it’s the same login when you created your application*
Mail a check or money order made payable to Kean University. Include your name and Kean ID #:
Kean University
Office of Admissions
1000 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Step 2. Review Your Program Evaluation
You will receive an email with the subject line “Your Transfer Evaluation Is Ready” once your transfer credit evaluation is complete. To access your Transfer Credit Program evaluation:
- Log-in to KeanWISE using your User ID and Password, which was provided in your acceptance letter that can be found in the Cougar App portal
- Click on the “Students” tab
- Underneath the "Academic Profile" section, select “Student Planning”
- Select “Go To My Progress"
If you have questions about your Program Evaluation, please contact your Transfer Evaluation Specialist.
Students who have completed college-level English and Math courses are exempt from taking the University’s placement test and can move to step 3. Transfer Admissions will let you know if you need to take a placement test.
Step 3. Apply for Housing
Many of the best memories of college come from living on campus. Make the most of your college experience by making Kean your home. Living on campus helps you Live. Learn. Thrive and Graduate on time.
All applicants are required to pay a non-refundable $125 application fee. The housing application for 2025-2026 opens on January 17, 2025.
Click here for more information on how to apply for Housing.
Step 4. Prepare to Enroll
Prior to registering for classes, you must receive academic advisement. Schedule advisement by logging in to the accepted student tab in the Cougar App Portal. Prepare for your advisement appointment by logging in to KeanWISE to access your Program Evaluation for review with your Advisor (see access instructions in step 2).
After receiving academic advisement, you're now ready to register for classes! Log-in to KeanWISE and register. Fast. Easy. Simple.
If you encounter any trouble while registering online, please contact the Admissions Office directly at transfer@kean.edu.
Step 5. Attend New Transfer Student Orientation
Orientation offers a chance to meet your classmates and become more familiar with Kean before you start the semester. Learn more about Transfer Student Orientation at www.kean.edu/transfer-orientation.
Accepted Graduate Students

Step 1. Submit Your Deposit
Pay your nonrefundable tuition deposit to secure your spot at Kean University! All deposits are applied towards your graduate tuition.
- $175 Non-refundable deposit – All other graduate programs
- $500 Non-refundable Deposit - Combined School and Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.), Speech-Language Pathology Doctorate (SLPD, M.A.), Occupational Therapy (OTD, M.S.), Physical Therapy (DPT), and Counseling (PhD., M.A. and Certification).
Two easy ways to pay:
Log into the Accepted Student tab in your Cougar App portal and click “Deposit”
*Hint: it’s the same login when you created your application*
Mail a check or money order made payable to Kean University. Include your name and Kean ID #:
Kean University
Office of Admissions
1000 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
If you encounter any issues when trying to make your deposit online, please email recruiter@kean.edu for assistance.
Step 2. Contact your Program Coordinator for Academic Advisement
Contact your Academic Program Coordinator listed in your acceptance letter to schedule your preregistration advisement appointment for assistance with selecting courses.
To find the contact information for your Program Coordinator, please refer to your decision letter or your program page listed on the website.
Step 3. Register for Classes
Now you’re ready to register for classes! We make it easy for you to select your classes online. You can register in two ways:
- From the comfort of your own home/computer. Log into KeanWISE and register for classes yourself. Fast. Easy. Simple.
- Contact the Admissions Office or One-Stop Service Center to register during regular business hours.
If you encounter any trouble while registering online, please contact the Admissions Office directly at (908) 737-7100 or gradadmissions@kean.edu.
Step 4. Attend New Student Orientation
At this live event, you will be able to hear about how you will be supported at Kean to make sure you achieve your graduate degree. You will meet your Graduate Program Coordinator, learn about Kean's robust student services, and introduce yourself to future classmates and faculty.
Step 5. Submit your Health and Immunization Records
The State of New Jersey mandates that all students submit immunization records. For details on requirements, forms and how to submit this information, please click here.
Additional Information for Special Admission Programs
Accepted into the EOF, Bridge to Success, or Spanish Speaking Program?
To learn more about these programs and to learn how to enroll, please visit our Educational Opportunities Center website.
Accepted Re-Admitted students
Step 1. Log back on to KeanWise
The Kean University online portal is KeanWise. Your login credentials are the same as when you previously attended Kean University. If you have forgotten your credentials, please call our Help Desk at 908-737-6000.
Step 2. Receive Academic Advisement
You must connect with a faculty advisor in your respective academic department to receive academic advisement from your department or from one stop directly.
Sign up here to receive advising.
Step 3. Register For Classes
Now you’re ready to register for classes! You can register from the comfort of your own home/computer. Log-in to KeanWISE and register for classes yourself. Fast. Easy. Simple.
If you encounter any trouble while registering online, please contact the Admissions Office directly at (908) 737-3239 or email at readmit@kean.edu
Final Checklist
Finalize your Financial Aid Package
Apply for Institutional Scholarships
Submit your Immunization Form
Apply for Campus Housing
Select a Meal Plan
Pay your Tuition Bill
Obtain your Student ID Card
Get Health Insurance
Apply for a Student Parking Pass
View our Academic Calendar for class start dates and please note, classes fill quickly, so we advise that you complete these steps early to reserve your seat in your desired courses!