Board of Trustees
The Kean University Board of Trustees is the governing body of the University. It currently consists of 15 members appointed by the Governor of New Jersey, as well as a student trustee representative elected by the student body. Pursuant to the Higher Education Restructuring Act of 1994, the Board has general supervision and oversight of the University.
The Higher Education Restructuring Act of 1994 empowers the Board to:
- Set tuition and fees and hold public hearings.
- Recommend appointment of Trustees to Governor with Senate’s consent.
- Determine the size and make up of Board of Trustees (7-15).
- Invest monies, with other than Division of Investments, with approval of treasury.
- Choose legal counsel.
- Submit annual budget to Treasury.
- Determine disputes for classified employees.
- Conduct hearings on appeals under higher education law.
- Approve facilities construction.
- Approve programs within mission.
- Create a public annual financial statement on government relations, public relations and legal costs.
- Submit annual report on institutional condition.
- Submit annual independent audit and management letter.
- Adopt and use a corporate seal.
- Determine policies for the organization, administration and development of the University.
- Direct and control expenditures and transfers of funds appropriated to the University.
- Appoint and fix the compensation of the President of the University, the executive officer of the University.
- Upon the nomination of the President, appoint and fix the compensation of professional members of the academic, administrative and teaching staff.
- Upon the nomination of the President, appoint, remove, promote and transfer such officers, agents, employees as may be required.
- Grant diplomas, certificates and degrees.
- Borrow money for the needs of the University.
Trustee appointments are for six years. Each board member serves until his or her successor is appointed. Each year a student trustee and student-alternate trustee is elected by the student body. Board members serve without compensation but are entitled to be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses.
Current board officers are: Chair of the Board Steve Fastook and Vice Chair of the Board Linda Lewis and Secretary of the Board Dr. Thomas Bistocchi.